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I groan as my alarm clock wakes me up. I huffs rolling around and hit dismiss on my clock.

I smile faintly snuggling my face into the pillow, about to fall asleep again.

I frown hearing my door crack and Zoey giggling quietly. I quickly smile and pretend to still be sleeping.

Zoey smiles and jumps on me. "Zuri!" She screams.

I laugh and grab her. "Ahhhhh!" I tickle her smiling.

She screams in excitement wiggling in my hold.

I smile and let her go, "come on let's go get some breakfast before school." She nods and smiles running out of my room.

I smile and sigh, brushing my hand through my hair as I get up.

I put on my cheerleading outfit and sigh. "..this is to colorful.." I mutter, I roll my eyes and sigh heading to school.

Finally it's time for this stupid class president assembly. I stand next to Addison pulling my skirt down a bit, turning to the stage watching the principal smile awkwardly.

"Okay, settle down." She smiles. "Are there any more nominees for president? Just a reminder that being part of student council means that we get to hang." She grins looking around seeing all of our unimpressed faces.

"Anyone...? No? We could have a cool handshake..." She says sadly before laughing softly. "Oh okay.. yeah it's fine.."

I roll my eyes and sigh softly, hearing the band start up. I hum faintly and look over at Bucky as he runs to the stage doing a little trick.

Addison smiles nudging me as she claps.

I look at her. "what?" I frown.

She rolls her eyes. "Clap that's our captain."

I grumble and sigh dramatically soon clapping.

"Great news, we have a brilliant and cheer tested candidate running for president this year." He says smugly smirking at us. "Me!"

I roll my eyes. "I'm not voting for that." I tune out his little speech.


I frown. Huh, that sounded like Zed.. Zed! I look at the stage seeing my brother standing there a huge sheepish smile on his face.

"Zombie strong!" He yells sticking his hands up in the air.

I grin and laugh at his weirdness. "Woo!" I cheer along with the zombies.

"As, the first zombie president, I will allow zombies to go to the Prawn, I will take Addison as my date, and we will get our photo on the Prawn wall of fame." He talks dreamily.

I smile rolling my eyes.

"As you president, I will make seabrook a place that embraces zombies and-" He was cut off my Bree screaming.


I frown huffing with a small joking smile. "Why would we want smelly dogs in our school?"

I jump as the doors swing open crashing into each other, I turn around frowning. "Oh boy.." I back up as Zed grab me and Addison.

"Football team! Defense, Z 24." Zed calls out.

The football players get in front protecting all of us. I sigh shakily holding on to Zed hand tightly. "-this won't work Zed.."

He glances at me and shushes me, to busy to glare at the wolves

I roll my eyes and sigh looking a them. They do have cool hair.. I look over seeing one of the guy wolves looking at me.

He noticed and smiles showing off his fangs.

I frown a little and glare faintly.

"Where's the moonstone, white hair?" the one with long curly hair, the one i met in the woods, growled out to Addison.

"I think you got the wrong person.." She says and smiles nervously at her.

"Our razor sharp claws will gut 'em and splatter their blood." One of the wolves say getting way to graphic with it.

I flinch at the thought. the guy wolf snaps at the wolf glaring. "Wynter!"

Wynter frowns and looks at him. "Too much?"

He nods and grumbles slightly. turning back to look at us his eyes softening as he looks at me.

"Sorry," the curly hair girl says putting on a fake smile. "We werewolves so admire your town, and we just came here to .. join your school" She grins clapping her hands.

I look at her and frown. "This trouble to come to school? I struggle this much to leave school." I mutter.

The werewolf guy chuckles softly, like he heard me or something, but he probably could. Having all that weird dog senses.

I roll my eyes and smile a little. Maybe, just maybe this won't be such a terrible thing.

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now