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I woke up in the morning by my alarm. I groan and turn over frowning not seeing Wyatt, but a note on the bed side table.

I sigh and pick it up reading it. 'Thought I should leave before Zed woke up, see you at school beautiful. ❤' I smile and set it back down laying in bed and look at the ceiling letting out a small excited squeal.

Gosh, I'm crushing way to hard. I giggle softly and soon get up, getting dressed and brushing my teeth.

I make it to school Zed beside me.

"Man, I'm so nervous." He mutters.

I smile remembering that today is the president election. "Well i know your gonna do great! You'll win it and we all can go to prawn!" I smile getting excited myself.

He frowns a little looking at him weirdly. "Since when did you start caring about the prawn? And your so much more chipper than normal."

I blush a little and calm my attitude down. "Am I...?" I shrug and huff. "It's just the first dance I can go to since the monster laws were banned."

He nods about to say something else but Addison interrupts tackling him into a hug.

I frown staring at her outfit confused. "....what are you wearing?"

Addison smiles looking over at me. Her hair braided and messy wearing all dark clothes unlike her normal bright clothes. "I'm gonna become a wolf!" She grins.

Zed frowns. "...what?" He mutters sounding heart broken.

I sigh. "Well I'mgonna go see you guys later." I pat Zed comforting on the chest, quickly running off to find Wyatt.

I turn into a hallway and see him facing the pack listening to Willa. I smirk and sneak over to him jumping on his back.

He didn't look alarmed at all and glances at him. "Your a very noisy sneaker, you know?" He smirks.

I huff and get off of his back. "Your no fun, you know?"

He laughs a little, grinning at me. He pulls me into a hug and looks at Willa.

She continues to talk excited about this moonstone.

I tilt my head a little listening. "Hmm you gave Addison the necklace?" I ask.

Wyatt nods putting his head in the crook of my neck. "She's the great alpha."

I nod. "Oh.."

Willa continues to talk with Wynter. I listen leaning back on to Wyatt with a small sigh.

He smells my neck and huffs trailing his nose on the side of my face.

I frown and blush faintly. I feel him smile against my neck and pulls away setting his head on my shoulder.

"Your flustered. Your heart beat picked up." He says smirking softly

I grumble and roll my eyes. "Man I wonder why." I say sarcastically. I glance at a clock and frown. "I have to go to the assembly, I need to cheer on my brother."

I pull away from Wyatt, who nods. "See you later."

I smile waving. "Bye guys." I run off to the gym sighing when I realize I wasn't to late.

I go and sit next to Eliza relaxing. "Man, I'm nervous and I'm not even going up there." I whisper to her smiling.

She chuckles softly and nods. "He's got guts."

I nod and cheer for Zed when he gets to the stage. Soon him and Bucky start to argue about who would be the best president.

I listen watching confused till Zed starts zombie-ing out. My eyes widen. "Zed!" I get up running to him with Eliza. Everyone else around us start to freak out screaming and moving away.

I grumble and get on the stage. Seeing Bucky taunt him. I push Bucky. "Shut up man!"

I go and grab Zeds arm, pulling it back so he won't throw the microphone stand. "Calm down.. please...!" I beg.

He grumbles and turns to me hatred in his eyes.

"Remove the stone from the bracelet." Eliza tells me panicked. 

I stare at Zed shocked for a second before glaring back at him glancing at his bracelet pulling the moonstone necklace away.

He takes a deep breath calming down.

I huffs and glareat him. "Why do you have this? What were you thinking!"

He flinches slightly and doesn't look at me.

I sigh and hand it back to him. "Give it back to Addison. If she doesn't have it back by tomorrow I'm gonna tell her myself." I mumble, jumping off the little stage and walk out of the gym.

Why would he risk everything for that stupid necklace?

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now