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I stand outside of school with Zed and Eliza helping with passing out Zed's flyers. "Zed for prez." I say smirking at some student's that walked by.

Zed grins. "Vote Zed for prez, because I'm a zombie, not a zom-can't-be." He says proudly.

I laugh at that. "That's the most stupidest thing I have ever heard." I tease looking over at him.

He looks over and sticks his tongue out. I grin. "Wow, so mature." I roll my eyes.

"Okay, here's our platform." Eliza starts off, stopping us from our bickering. "We fight for zombie toppings on pizza in the cafeteria."

I smile and groan. "Oh yes, I've been wanting cauliflower pizza for like a week now."

Zed grins nodding. "Yeah, pizza."

"Get zombie tongue taught as a second language." Eliza continues reading off her notebook.

I hum nodding as Zed nods. "Good."

"And how to overthrow your oppressions after school club." She smiles brightly.

I wrinkle my nose frowning. "What?"

"Eliza." Zed smiles and looks at her.

Eliza looks at him and frowns, shaking her head. "Sorry, right. Don't over promise." She whispers to her self.

"More importantly we allow zombies to go to the prawn." Zed smiles getting excited.

I smile and laugh a little. "Good luck Mr. Future president!" I call out heading to Bonzo. I hand him my extra flyers and yawn.

I head into the school to get my books, frowning as I see my locker scratched up. I grumble, "Stupid wolves.." I mutter.

I open my locker humming softly freezing for a second hearing someone clear there throat behind me. I frown and turn around seeing the wolf pack watching me.

"uh... hi.." I tilt my head smiling. Crap they heard me talking about them.

The curly hair girl smiles. "I don't think we met. I'm Willa." She smiles.

I nod a little. "Zuri." I smile softly, turning away from them grabbing my books.

Willa huffs. "This is my brother, Wyatt."

I nod not looking at them. "Awesome, nice meeting you guys."

The guy I'm assuming is Wyatt leans on the locker next to me watching me carefully. "We were wondering if you can show us around." He asked.

I look a him, staring for a moment. Man, he ain't bad looking up close. I blush a little at my thought and grumble giving a shrug as I look away. "If you want me to." I nod.

He nods smiling shocked by the bell before howling with it.

I jump, my eyes widening, looking at him surprised. "What are you doing?"

He looks at me and smiles showing off his fangs. "What do you mean?" He asked payfully.

I roll my eyes smiling. "Yeah okay, come on I'm gonna be late for study hall." I tell him closing my locker and walk to the library,  him following closely after.

I sit next to Bree in the library, reading a book for English.

"Hey, that dog just ate my homework!" Bree gasped out.

I look up frowning seeing Wynter beside her munching on the paper. I smile a little and shrugs. "Maybe she was just hungry."

Wyatt walks up to me reading a book upside down. I look at him and tilt my head to the side smiling. "Mmm Wyatt.."

He hums in response looking up from the book, smiling at me.

"Your books upside down." I grin at him, giggling softly.

He blushes and quickly fixes it. "Oh...um.." He clears his throat and looks away sheepishly.

I  smile and shake my head a little looking back at my book.

Wynter smiles watching me and Wyatt like she knew something we didn't.

"Lies!" Willa yells slamming books down on the table.

I yelp, jumping in my chair. "Gosh." I groan covering my face with my hands. "Scared the crap out of me."

Wyatt chuckles faintly, but it sounded a little forced as he glares at Willa.

Willa ignores the looks and continues her little rant. "These history books claim werewolves attacked Seabrook settlers. But they struck first and stole our moonstone."

I frown listening to her as I set my head down on the table, yawning.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know." Addison apologizes, again.

Willa rolls her eyes and nods. "There's a lot you don't know." She grabs the books and walks out of the library.

Addison goes to warn her about the book alarm, but Willa threw her necklace at it making it not go off.

"Cool!" I grin. "Can you do that?" I ask Wyatt, excitedly.

He nods smiling down at me. "Our necklaces have a way with electronics." He says a bit proud if it.

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