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After school I yawn walking with Zed, Eliza, and Zoey through zombie town, heading to a café. "I can't wait to eat." I mumble a skip in her step.

"None of these history books say where the moonstone is hidden." I heard Willa's voice say.

I look over and see her and the pack sitting at a table in front of the café.

I smile and wave a little to Wyatt, who gladly waved back.

"Win the wolves vote, win the election. Easy." Zed muttes to himself beside me. He walks up to them and smiles clapping his hands a big smile on his face. "Hello wolves, allow me to introduce myself. I'm Zed, zombie, football star, presidential hopeful." He says smugly laughing. 

The wolves look up at him frowning, not looking that interested. I giggle faintly and smile glancing at Zed's awkward face.

"Okay..so when zombies first came to seabrook, we were outsiders, too." He explains.

I frown remembering all the terrible things they did to us. "Yeah.. it was really hard, scary." I say.

Everyone looks at me either with concern or just to look. I glance up and blush at all the attention, shifting around giving them a big grin. "Which is why you need a great president like Zed to represent you! Yay!" I throw my arms out doing some jazz hands.

Wyatt smiles a little, watching me.

Zed chuckles and turns back to the wolves. "We'd be honored if you guys joined us."

Willa shakes her head growling. "Our pack is our pack." She stated. "We don't need anyone else."

Wyatt listens to her sighing, slowly agreeing.

I frown. "That's stupid."

"Who doesn't want more friends?" Zoey speaks up beside me confused. "Underneath all that luffy hair, I bet you're a real softie."

I grin and smile at her words stepping over to Wyatt which was also closer to the door leading me to the yummy food. I bounce softly not wanting to go in with out Zed since he had the money to pay for it.

Wyatt grins and looking at me excitedly.

Wynter gets up couching to Zoey snarling at her. "I am tough and rough."

Zoey grins. "Awww you said ruff! Like a sweet little puppy dog. Ruff, ruff." She bounces excitedly.

"We are beast of the forest, we will never be tamed!" Wynter continues.

Zoey puts her hand up and scratches her behind Wynters ear. Wynter gasped and her eyes rolled back as her whole body relaxes. "Oh boy.."

I grin and laugh softly. "Guess all dogs like to be petted."

Wyatt shrugs puffing out his chest a little as he crossed his arms. "Not me." He says trying to act all tough. Almost like he's trying to impress someone or something.

I roll my eyes as I reach my hand up to his ear. He glances at me and moves away quickly before I could pet him. "Hey!" I smile. "I just want to test it out." I giggle reaching out again.

He shakes his head laughing lightly, grabbing my arms.

I guess we were both distracted by each other for a while, since when I look over to back to my people I see Zed and the zombies starting to dance and sing. Oh crap! I quickly run over and join the group. Wyatt going and joins his pack.

"Do it like the zombies do." Zed sings out. "Brush you fangs when you wake up, comb your hair, do your makeup."

I stand next to him frowning a little. We're suppose to put on makeup? I wrinkle my noise a little before shrugging singing along with him. "Sleep at night, don't stay up." I grin at Wyatt doing a little shoulder dance. "Do it like the zombies do."

He smiles a little rolling his eyes playfully.

"Don't stand out when you fitting in, when in doubt do the opposite." Zed sings again.

"Don't listen to him." Wyatt grumbles, obviously not liking what Zed said and to be honestly, I didn't like it that much myself.

"He's a hyprocrite!" Willa growls

"Do it like the zombies do, all you've got to do is give an inch." Zed continues, we all dance toward the werewolves.

"Then we gonna take it to the top." I sing leaning toward Wyatt, who just grins at me. "Do it like the zombies do." I stand next to Zed smirking a little watching Willa walk to us.

"When the moon is full, no howling." she sings standing next to Zed.

"Don't run in the halls," Wyatt sings walking to me. "No growling." he puts his hands up snarling.

I smile and stick my tongue out at him.

"Let's go to the mall start styling." Willa sings before they start singing together. "Do it like the zombies do."

Wyatt mocks our little zombie dance move walking away from us. I roll my eyes and huff, but I can't help the smile on my face as I watch him. 

"Trim your claws, get a manicure."

"Cut you bangs, leave it on the floor."

"Now wag your tail like a Labrador."

I smile and go under their arms facing them. "Do it like the zombies do." I grab Wyatts hand and pull him over to the zombie side. "All you got to do is give an inch, then we gonna take it to the top." I dance grinning at him. "Do it like the zombies do."

We all start dancing together as Zed sings the rest of the song but I'm to busy trying not to trip so I don't actually listen to the song. We get into the final pose when Zed cries out in pain.

I frown and look over seeing that Wynter tackled him down.

"Hey!" I run over and help Zed up as the wolves howl and laugh. I grumble and sigh. "Sorry Zed.."

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now