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I huff faintly looking around for Wyatt, I turn around corners and go outside unable to find him.

"Hmm..." I mumble.

I jump slightly hearing the zombie alarm go off. "Oh crap." I mutter and run back inside finding Zed and Addison.

"Attention! Attention! Monster activity at Seabrook Power." A robotic voice calls out over the speakers.

I frown my hands shaking slightly.

"It's the werewolves." Addison says.

"We need to help them." I tell them heading outside to the building panicking a bit.

"Zuri! Calm down." Zed calls out as Addison follows us, Bree going and getting some more help.

We get to the power house and I breath heavily looking around seeing the wolves cuffed in some silver hand cuffs.

"Wyatt!" I call out running to him.

He looks over and frowns his face relaxing a bit. "Zuri, you have to get out here." He tells me anxiously.

I frown and look at his cuffed hands. "No." I grumble, trying to get the cuffs off but he just hisses in pain.

"I'm sorry.."

"Zuri? Sweetheart?" I hear dad say.

I turn around seeing him. Oh, forgot he got a job here. I sigh relieved and head to him.

"Dad, we got to let them go, please." I beg softly.

He sighs and shakes his head. "Sorry honey, no can do. You should head out it's dangerous here."

I glare at him. "No." I say firmly, taking a step away from him.

I look over seeing Addison and smile softly as she starts to sing, I soon join in.

The chearleaders show up and the zombies. At this point I think they have all the people they need for this dance fight thing, so I head to the werewolves, well mostly Wyatt.

I sigh and pick his hands up trying to pick the lock.

He watches and smiles softly. "You have a beautiful voice." He mumbles.

I laugh a little. "Now is so not the time for that, but thank you." I smile blushing a little.

"Addison's right, shut it down!" I hear my dad yell. "Tomorrow, when it's safe, we'll find what you're looking for. But right now yo can all go home."

I look over shocked and grin. "Wyatt we did it!" I bounce excitedly.

He grins at me and nods turning to someone who actually got his hands free from the cuffs.

He turns back to me and hugs me tightly.

I giggle and sigh happily hugging back. "We should leave..."

He nods and sighs pulling away keeping a hold of his hand. "Come on then." He heads out side with me making sure to keep me close.

We make it to the group of wolves, Addi, and Zed.

Addison finally got the necklace from Zed and turns around putting it on. "I am a wolf." She mutters.

I watch biting my lip softly, watching her.

She grins and turns around looking the same.

I frown and squeezes Wyatts hand.

He frowns disappointed.

"Am I?" She asked.

"I'm sorry Addison.."

Her face falls and frowns.

"Boss, Boss we got a problem!" a worker calls out panicked.

I look over and scream seeing the building blow up.

Wyatt growls a little pulling me in his embrace mostly covering my body incase any building pieces got to close.

Oh my gosh, this is bad!

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now