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Their little dance break soon gets interrupted by Zed.

"Addison? Zuri?" He huffs grumbling as he looks at us, before running and protecting me and Addison. "Don't make me take this off!" He threatens the wolves.

I roll my eyes and grumble. "I'm fine Zed." But I get completely ignored.

The wolves growl at him getting in attack positions.

Wyatt growls loudly at Zed. "Let them go!" He snarls out getting on top of the platform reaching for me.

Zed growls snapping the Z band off. "Get away!" He roars, getting paler as his veins pop out more.

I look at Zed shocked and sigh shakily going to him instead of Wyatt. "Calm down Zed it's fine. We wanted to be here." I huff.

He frowns as Addison snaps the bracelet back on him, he slow turns to the sane person he sometimes is. "What..? Why?"

I smile a little and look toward Wyatt walking to him and grab his hand. "We're mates. Destined to be together."

Zed frowns before getting in that protective bro mode. "No, you're not." He huffs walking over and picks me up carrying me out of the building.

"Hey! Let me down!" I growl hitting his back, but he doesn't budge.

Wyatt frowns and quckly follows him. "Zed!" He growls out. "You don't understand." He gets infront of Zed stopping him.

Zed glares at him grumbling. "No I do, and I'm still saying no."

I sigh and give up on fighting him, I'm obviously not getting out of his hold anytime soon.

Zed starts walking home and I wave bye to Wyatt as we pass him.

He sighs and waves back sadly.

Once at home Zed sets me down. "Go to your room." He says sternly.

I roll my eyes grumbling. "You do know you're only 2 minutes older than me, right." I huff turning away from him, stomping up the stairs into me room almost screaming seeing Wyatt sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper-shouted to him closing my door.

He smiles. "Couldn't let you go to sleep angry, now could I?" He smirks tilting his head playfully.

I sigh and smile heading over to him.

I climb in bed and lay on top of him instantly relaxing. I close my eyes and smile softly. "How come I'm relaxed when ever your near?"

He wraps his arms around my waist smiling him self. "Like I said its the mate bond. We need each other to cope. To love each other."

I yawn nodding. "Oh." my eyes slowly close. "Your so freaking warm." I mutter.

He laughs leaning his head back on my pillow. "Go to sleep your delusional."

I smile a little and do exactly that.

Wyatt looks down at me for a while smiling happily as he pushes some hair out of my face, smiling to himself.

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now