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Zed groans softly and cracks his neck. "She got that tackle down." He mumbles.

I roll my eyes sighing. "Yeah...are you okay?" I ask concerned.

He nods laughing. "Yup. I'm gonna go find Addison." He says. "Bye sis."

I nod and sigh watching him leave. "Uh huh..."

Wyatt walks up to me. Crossing his arms. "So uh...do you maybe want to go out and eat somewhere?"

I smile and turn to him. "Are you, thee mighty forest beast, asking me out on a date?" I grin playfully.

He blushes a little before smiling. "Maybe I am." He challenges back.

I hum smiling. "Okay. I'll go."

He looks at me grinning. "Really!"

I nod. "But I get to pick." I smile, grabbing his hand and pull him back to the cafe from before the whole song started. "This place has the greatest zombie sandwiches." I smile.

He smiles nodding. "And zombie meaning lettuce and cauliflower."

I sigh and shrug nodding. "Yeah.. a little plain and boring.. do you guys eat meat?" I look at him curious.

He nods. "Most of the time yeah." He leans against the counter watching me.

I smile a little and look at his necklace. "Your moonstone is pretty." I tell him.

He looks down at it and laughs a little. "Yeah I guess it is.."

I smile picking it up and looking at it, quickly frowning as my Z band starts to spark up. "Ow!" I cry out in pain quickly moving away from him and the necklace holding my wrist.

He frowns. "Are you okay? What happened? What's wrong?" He asked panicked. 

I sigh taking deep breaths as my Z band goes back to normal. I flex my fingers and sigh. "Nothing its fine now... just messed up a bit I guess..."

He nods and sighs pulling me into a hug. "You worried me you know." He mumbles snuggling his head into my neck.

I tense up before relaxing a little. "Um..." I laugh softly. "Well I'm fine now." I say patting him on the back. "Are you okay?"

He sighs staying quiet for a moment. "I got to tell you something.." He starts off but the employee cuts him off.

"Zuri? Your sandwich's are done."

I smile. "Hang on to that thought." I tell him putting my finger to his lips and get out of his hold grabbing my sandwich. "Thank you!"

Wyatt sighs watching me before going and grabs his sandwich smiling in thanks to the employee.

We walk to a table outside and we sit down eating. I take a bit and groan softly. "Best sandwich ever." I mumble my mouth full.

Wyatt laughs looking at me smirking.

I blush and roll my eyes softly. "Oh shush."

After a few moments of eating quietly. Wyatt being the first to break the silence.

"So uh what I wanted to say earlier is... um... you now werewolves right?"

I look at him and nods a little. "Mmm, a little."

He sighs nodding rubbing his head. "Sometimes...wolves have mates.."

I nods. "A mate."

He nods. "Yeah, someone they feel close and comfortable with... kinda like a life partner, soulmate."

I nod staring at him, unsure where he'sgoing with this.

"..Your my mate Zuri."

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now