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I sigh heavily closing my eyes in frustration before looking over seeing a confused and slightly angry Zed.

"What?" I grumble out.

Wyatt smiles a little and pulls me closer to him, making me smile, relaxing slightly.

Zed frowns about to argue probably before shaking his head. "Look they were wrong to destroy Seabrook power, and I was wrong about werewolves." He says looking at my confused face, then over at Wyatt's and Willa's.

He sighs and faintly rolls his eyes smiling a bit. "You have every right to fight for who you are."

Wyatt sighs and huffs gently. "Yeah, but what are we now, zombie?"

Zed smiles looking excited, making me smile. "You're fierce, proud werewolves."

I smile and nod softly leaning into Wyatt's comforting hug.

"Yeah, they think we're monsters." Willa says annoyed.

I think before sighing. "We are monsters." I say looking at them. "Dangerous, they are the ones that should be careful, not us."

Wyatt looks at me and smirks. "Couldn't have said it better myself."

I smile back at him, getting lost in his eyes.

Zed then claps his hands loudly disturbing our little moment, making me grumble again. "We're going to prawn guys!" He grins excitedly.

I jump a little and sigh, grinning myself. "Dang it." I whine. "Now I got to look nice and put a dress on."

Wyatt grins. "You always look nice, beautiful."

I blush a little and pushes him away. "I got to go get ready, lover boy."

I smile at him as me and Zed walk out the cave back to zombie town.

I stand in front of Eliza whimpering in pain as she plucks my eyebrows, her saying it was a necessary or whatever.

"Owwwwwww!" I growl and whimper at her.

She smiles and laughs. "Shush, I'm almost done."

After a few more painful moments she finally stops.

"There now put the dress on and meet us down stairs." She says getting up and grabs her make up bag, leaving my room.

I roll my eyes grumbling. I get up and look at the purple dress laying on the bed. It had some holes in it since we couldn't go buy a dress, with the anti- monster laws up and such.

I sigh and smile a little shrugging my shoulders. Oh well.

I get the dress on and look in the mirror. I actually look..decent. I grin, spinning a little watching the bottom flare out. I soon walk out of the room down to the kitchen where Zed, Eliza, Zoey, and dad stood.

Dad looked over and sighs shakily. "I can't believe my babies are going to their first dance..." He mutters trying not to cry.

I blush and sigh rolling my eyes. "Dad calm down, it's not like your giving us away to marriage."

He sighs and shrugs. "That'll come some day." He pulls me into a tight hug.

I smile and hug back closing my eyes, enjoying it.

After a few tries of getting out of dad's hold we finally made it to the fountain where we were suppose to meet the wolves.

I sigh softly picking at my nails as I walk around to the fountain watching the water.

"You know," Zed starts coming up besides me. "You look beautiful.. and Wyatt better be treating you right, or I swear he's in the dog house." He huffs giving a playful, but serious, smile.

I look over at him and grin, laughing a little. "Thanks Zed, he's great," I bite my lip and think. "I think I love him.." I mutter.

His eyes widen. "Woah, no. Too young for love." He argues.

I frown. "It's the mate bond! We have a stronger connecting than you and Addison. Plus your just too scared to tell her how you feel." I grumble.

He rolls his eyes. "You're just being ridiculous." He glares at me crossing his arms.

I growl about to say something else but gets interrupted.

"Wow.." I heard behind me.

I turn around and see Wyatt's star struck expression, staring at me.

"Y-You.. look amazing." He grins.

I blush and smiles sheepishly walking over to him, looking him over in his suit and yellow shirt, noticing him holding a flower. "You do too." I smile.

He blushes and smiles, it gets quiet for a moment, us just staring at each other lovingly.

"Oh!" He says and looks down at the flower in his hands. "I got you this.. thought you should have." He says coughing awkwardly holding it out to me.

I look at it and notice it being a rose. I smile and take it from him. "Thank you, it's beautiful." I put it in my hair behind my ear.

He watches grinning the whole time. "Ready to go to prawn?" He asked holding his hand out.

I grin back and put my hand in his. "So ready."

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now