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I let out a shaky sob, stepping away from all the dust. "Z-Zed..." I whimper out, covering my mouth.

Wyatt sighs softly pulling me toward him. "Shhh..." He mutters trying to comfort me.

"Zuri? Why are you crying?" Zed's voice calls out from behind me.

I frown softly and sniffle looking behind me seeing him stand there perfectly fine.

He grins teasingly. "You thought I was dead, didn't you?" He asked.

I sigh and go over to him, shutting my eyes tightly again. "Your gonna make me cry again." I whine softly laying my head on his chest. "I hate you." I sniffle out.

He sighs and hugs me. "Well, I'm fine." He smiles. "Lets get you upstairs and calmed down." He mutters to himself.

Once upstairs I sit down on the bleachers sighing shakily. Zed's gonna give me a heart attack someday. I grumble at my thoughts, but they were true. I look up seeing Wyatt beside me holding two red cup.

"Um.. thought you'd be thirsty.." He hands me a cup.

I take it and look at it seeing water in the cup. "Oh, thanks." I smile lightly and drink it all down.

He smiles and nods sitting beside me taking a swig from his cup watching people dance, mostly Zed and Addison right now, honestly it seems like someone could die and they'd sing and dance about.

I giggle softly and shake my head, getting up setting my cup on the table. "Well come on mister puppy eyes." I grin turning to him. "Let's go dance."

He looks up at me shocked for a moment then growls. "I very much dislike that nickname."

I grin more and take his hand, pulling him up. "I know."

We go over to Zed and Addison holding hands. "One for one, this party aint private." He sings, him and Zed fist pumping each other, making me smile. I knew they'd get along.

"One for all, everyone's invited." Willa sings getting a necklace out.

"One for all, no wristband required." I sing swaying around a little.

"One for all, get hyped, get excited!" Zed screams freaking out a bit, making me laugh and Wyatt to smile.

"One for all, one for all."

"There's something here that's magic. Let's dance until dawn." Zed starts grinning down at Addison.

"The feeling is automatic It's where we belong." I finish leaning toward Wyatt kissing his cheek softly making him blush.

"We're so unique, we're not the same. yeah, and that's what gives us all our strength." Zed sings twirling Addison, as Bucky flips around like a dolphin.

I smile and look over seeing Addison and a few cheerleaders dancing.

"We about it bring it on-on, watch me shake it like a pom-pom." They sing, "Yeah, shake it, shake it, shake it."

I frown, nose scrunching up, as Addison gets way to into it. "..Great.." I mutter.

Wyatt laughs and pulls me closer to me. "I wouldn't mind watching you shake it." He says in my ear.

Heat goes to my face, but I groan and push him away. "Ewwww!" I exclaim. "This is suppose to be G rated bucko!"

Something happened, Not sure what but I think the moonstone hated the gym or something because now we all are at the wolf den still dancing.

I look around amazed by this powerful rock and grin seeing the fro-yo cart. "Oh yes!" I run over and get some watching them finish the dance, happily.

This is really good, food is life, these people are my family, life couldn't be better.

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now