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Wyatt growls faintly and grabs on to my hand leading me quickly out of the gym, down the hall.

I pant softly running after him. Man, I really regret wearing heels. I glance over seeing Zed, Addison, The rest of the wolves and some zombies, the floor beneath us shakes violently, cracking open under my feet.

"Zuri!" Wyatt yells pulling me away before I fell in the now big hole.

I let out a shaky breath as the shaking stops, my grip on Wyatt tightens up. "Oh my gosh.." I mutter out.

He holds me tightly, protectively. "You're okay." He whispers to me, his hand rubbing my arm comfortingly.

"The power plant.. It could be the moonstone!" Addison gasped.

Willa, Wyatt, and the other wolves light up.

"Well, let's go!" Wyatt says excitedly, looking down at me. I look back up at him and smile softly, he grins and leans down pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. "I'll be back soon." He smiles and gets down in the hole.

I frown, walking over to the hole getting down in it. "Heck no, I'm going to help." I smile at him.

He grumbles softly about to object but stops once he heard Wynter start coughing. He sighs and nods. "Keep close, and please be careful." He smiles teasingly.

I roll my eyes smiling. "I always am, it's these stupid shoes."

He chuckles softly and grabs my hand helping me down in the tunnel. We run to catch up with the rest of the pack, we run in the room and I gasp seeing a big glowing crystal.

"Woah.." I whispered amazed.

Wyatt squeezes my hand staring at it. "We found it.." He slowly sarts to grin and runs over to it, taking his necklace off.

I smile softly watching them get their power back. "Oh yay!" I cheer softly, clapping my hands.

Wyatt smirks glancing over at me. "Your such a kid." He says playfully.

I giggle softly and stick my tongue out him. "Yet you love me."

Our bickering is quickly cut off as the roof starts shaking, going to collapse on us. I squeak in surprise, Wyatt quickly pulling me to him.

"Quick grab the moonstone!" Willa orders.

The wolves and I gather around the moonstone, I bite my lip nervously grabbing on to the railing around the stone, which was probably for protection.



Willa glances over at us making sure we were ready before saying, "Three!"

I grunt as I lift with everyone else, but it barely got off the ground before we all dropped. We can't lift it, the walls/ceiling is going to cave, we're gonna die! I slowly start to panic my hands shaking. Wyatt glances at me and pulls me in a hug.

"You need to get out of here." He mutters shakily, looking incredibly worried and stressed out.

I look up at him and shake my head. "N-No.. not without you." I huff.

He growls at me softly, annoyed.

"We can help." Addison says behind us.

I frown and turn around. "Jeez, you all got timing." I smile grabbing the railing of the stone again.

Zombies, humans and werewolves all grab the stone, we all lift and we get it off the ground enough for us to move it.

"We're doing it!" I grin letting out a breathless laugh.

A boom was heard and a cement wall falls down blocking our only way out. I jump dropping the stone. "Oh no..."

Everyone panics before Zed steps up sighing. "I'm the only one who can keep control in zombie mode.. I can get us out."

I frown and shake my head. "Zed, no!" I walk to him, poking him harshly. "You're not allowed!" I grumble.

He smiles a little and hugs me. "I love you too, Zuri." He mutter then pushes me away, yanking his Z-band off.

He goes full zombie looking at us angrily, he walks forward before shaking his head backing up toward the cement wall. He bends down picking it up far enough for us to get through.

Wyatt pulls me back to the stone. "Come on, He'll be fine."

I nod and pick it up with the others helping, we pass Zed and gets it back to the small clearing right outside the room we were just trapped in.

I smile and turn around to congratulate Zed, but the wall fell down and dust covered everything.

Oh no.

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now