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I sigh shakily watching the burning factory with everyone else.

Wyatt squeezes my hand as he falls to his knees coughing.

I look at him and my eyes widen. "Wyatt!" I get down on my knees frowning as I look at him worried. "What's wrong? How can I fix it?" I ask shakily holding his face up to look at him.

He looks at me with his yellow wolf eyes, in pain. "I-It's destroyed..." He mumbles barely audible. "We won't make it..." He sighs shakily looking over at the rest of his pack.

I bite my lip trying not to cry, shaking my head. "N-No.... no you won't..." I whisper, glancing at Zed. "You won't die..."

He shakes his head sighing his eyes turning back to his brown eyes. "See you tomorrow, Zuri." He says sadly, walking away from me,  before I could say something else.

I sigh staring at Wyatt's retreating figure. My hands shaking slightly.

Zed walks up beside me and sighs. "Come on.." He mutters leading me back home.

My alarm goes off next morning and I sigh turning it off, exhausted. I didn't sleep well last night, meaning I didn't sleep a wink.

I get up and put on cothes for school. I grab my backpack and head to the school by myself.

I walk in the school and look around waiting impatiently for the wolves to show up, but they ever do.

I grumble slightly. Should I go see him? They can just be running late.. heck nah I'm leaving. I sigh getting up from my seat and head out of the classroom before it starts, heading to the wolf den.

I walk in the cave, seeing some wolves curled up nex to each other in thin blankets coughing. I frown and sigh shakily.

"Zuri?" I heard.

I turn around and see Wyatt behind me next to Willa looking confused. "You should be at school."

I nod and shift around in my spot nervously. "Same to you." I mumble.

He sighs and glances at Willa before walking to me. "Let's talk somewhere in private." He mutters taking my hand leading me outside of the cave. I follow and frown softly.

"Your hand's cold.." I whisper looking at him. "It's usually warm."

He looks at me and smiles faintly, trying to reassure me. "I'm dying Zuri I don't have long and I'm not spending it in a smelly school." He huffs.

I watch him and let out a shaky breath, blinking my eyes looking away. "You can hang out with me though." I mumble.

He shakes his head. "I'm gonna die, Zuri!" He says a bit more aggressive, "I don't want you to get use to me." He sighs. "You have to learn to detach yourself from me."

I frown and grumble softly turning to glare at him. "We're mates! You said it yourself. We have to stick together.. please." I whisper.

He sighs and wraps his arms around me smiling a bit. "I'd love to spend my last few moments with you." He says.

I smile softly and sigh closing my eyes, hugging back tightly.

Me and Wyatt end up cuddling with each other for the night.

I smile and sigh ruffling his hair a little. "You're hair is still soft though." I grin.

He chuckles softly and smiles. "Thanks." He looks at me glancing down at my lips.

I smile and lean in a little stopping a little bit away from his lips to make sure it was okay.

He smirks faintly and leans in the rest of the way, our lips almost touching. We're actually doing this..! I smile a little closing my eyes. But the moment is soon ruined.


Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now