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The next day at school, I walk with Zed and Eliza down the hall. I couldn't stop thinking about what Wyatt told me yesterday. I'm his mate.

I sigh shakily, I didn't respond to him, I didn't know how! I just left which was probably was stupid on my part, but what was I suppose to do?

"Zuri!" Zed yells snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh what?" I frown looking up at Zed confused.

"You okay? You're acting off." He tells me worried raising an eyebrow. 

I sigh rolling my eyes softly. "I'm fine, your just being dramatic." I smile to reassure him. "I got to head to cheer practice now, see ya later." I hum out and run past him to the gym seeing Addison.

I run to her. "Hey."

She turns around grinning. "Hey Zuri!" She walks in the back way to the gym.

I follow smiling softly setting my bag down, Time to relax.

"I am so fired up to be running cheer practice." Addison grins bouncing a bit. "Together, we can do anything."

I laugh softly and see Bree point behind us at something.

I frown and turn around seeing the pack besides Willa on the bleachers. Wyatt stares at me a complexed look on his face.

I bite my lip softly and look away.

"Sorry, but this practice space is for cheerleaders only." Addison says confidently.

Wynter scoffs and stands up growling at her. "Just try and get us to leave!"

The whole pack besides Wyatt gets all defensive, ready to attack us.

I flinch slightly and grumble.

Wyatt growls a Wynter glaring at her. "Wynter!" He warns. "Show some respect." He huffs.

"No, I don't want you to leave. I want you to stay." Addison smiles. "Show us what you can do, the cheer team is for everyone."

I nod faintly and walk over to my spot rubbing my face.

"Can we talk?"

I frown and look up seeing Wyatt in front of me. I nod and shrug. "I guess yeah.."

He smiles a little and nods opening his mouth to say something but get cut off by Addison.

"Five, six, seven, eight!"

I smile a little and grab Wyatt's hands pulling him to my spot and we start dancing. Me cheering softly as we do.

He grins and laughs softly, dancing with me.

We finish the cheer and I breath heavily smiling at him.

He smiles back and leans his head closer to mine, my eyes widen a little tensing up.

He sets his forehead against mine smirking a bit. "Want to go to the den tonight?"

I frown a little distracted by how close he was. "Uh.. the den..?'

He nods grinning pulling away as he gets excited. "Yeah my home. We can go there and I can explain things better."

I smile and nods. "Well okay, yeah."

Wynter starts coughing falling to the floor. I look over and frown. "Are you okay?" I go over quickly helping her up.

She nods and rubs her necklace sighing.

"Zuri!" Zed calls.

I frown and sigh looking over at the gym doors seeing him do the come here motion.

"I'll be back, see you later." I smile and rush out. "Zed you okay? What do you want?"

He huffs. "What was that?"

I look at him confused. "What was what?"

"You and that werewolf guy!" He grumbles crossing his arms.

I laugh a little but stop seeing him be completely serious. "We're just..friends." I say.

He rolls his eyes. "Friends aren't that close Zuri."

I shrug and sigh. "Well we are, sorry." I say sarcastically heading back to the gym.

I walk in the door slamming behind me, I grumble the frown staying on my face.

I head to my bag opening it up. grumbling annoyed as I feel a presents behind me. "Go away."

The person chuckles softly and hugs me from behind. "Sorry, no can do." They sigh dramatically.

I smile slightly realizing its Wyatt. "What are you doing?" I ask softly relaxing.

"Making you feel better." He smirks.

I smile a bit more. "Oh yeah, how do you know its working?"

He hums and smiles. "It's part of the mate bond, I'll tell you later. Meet me at the fountain a 6:45?"

I tilt my head a little at the weird time. "Curfews at 7." I turn around to look at him.

He grins running his hand through his hair. "Just trust me."

I nod and smile. I trust him.

Careful // WyattWhere stories live. Discover now