7| Pregnancy scare

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(This is assuming you don't want kids before marriage, if you want kids before marriage be a badass and do that. if you don't, still be a badass just don't get pregnant before marriage. In conclusion, be your badass self and live however the fuck you want.)

- both of you were mortified
- didn't talk to each other at all
- Finn bought you like, 8 different tests and left them in your locker
- you were high key pissed but also insanely sad and scared
- did them all and sent photo proof
- he came over an apologized later
- you guys cuddled and were just glad you weren't pregnant

- super frantic
- steals pregnancy tests
- stands in the bathroom with you
- freaks out to Stan
- you vent to Bev
- so relieved it was negative
- never having unprotected sex again (until you actually want kids)

- too high to understand
- you were really stressed and upset
- Theo ended up helping you
- he was glad for you two but after you left he totally lectured Boris's ass
- "No more unprotected sex Boris. You have to wear a condom, Y/n was really scared and you are in no position to raise a kid."
- "Fuck off Potter.."
- comes over when he's not high or drunk
- you gave him the silent treatment
- neck kisses
- almost 'I'm sorry' sex but you shut that down so fast

- both of you sobbing as you buy it
- Tyler is the CEO of pacing
- quick good luck pecks before you look
- tears of joy
- you guys didn't have sex for a very very long time after that

- he actually does not care
- gets you the test and just sits on his bed kicking his legs
- when you come out of his bathroom and it says negative he was happy ig
- you guys had sex again that night smh 🤦‍♀️

- frantic at first but then realizes he needs to be calm for you
- he had his head pressed to yours, promising it would be okay either way
- you weren't so sure
- neither was he
- then it was negative and you just hugged in his bathroom for fucking ever

You know what's funny, I'm fucking sobbing but I'm also writing kinky Wattpad shit. That's just... it's just... unreal how completely disappointing I am 🥰🥰

𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now