91|accidentally hitting them there

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- you guys were live with Nick and Quincy
- he started to tickle you
- you accidentally kicked him
- he almost passed out
- "Oh my god Finn! I'm so sorry! Are you okay?!"
- "Holy shit you kicked him right in the balls!" (Quincy)
- him falling off of the bed
- "Fuck, I'm so sorry!"
- he died inside for a couple of minutes
- you're not riding him for a little while

- he snuck into your room at night without telling you he was coming
- he scared the shit out of you and you kneed him right in the crotch
- just hearing him squeak a little fuck before burying his face in your sheets to keep quiet
- "Baby! I didn't know you were coming! I'm so so sorry..."
- "it's fine... I'll get over it... in a few months... I think you broke my dick..."
- "there aren't bones in your dick..."
- "I'm a dude, I think I know."
- ....
- there aren't bones in his dick
- or any guys dick for that matter

- you guys were asleep
- you turned around and accidentally kicked him
- he woke up
- biting his lip so he isn't loud
- you guys woke up the next morning and he was low key mad at you
- "what'd I do bub?"
- "you kneed me in dick last night! I still hurt, детка!"
- "Oh, I'm sorry Boris..."
- "I'm not mad you did it. Now we have no sex until dick feels better."
- "Wow, I hit you that hard?"
- "да."

- he was delivering your pizza
- you dropped the money
- but when you bent down to pick it up your klutzy self tripped over air
- you fell
- knocked him over
- your elbow deadass crushed his dick
- him actually dying right then and there
- "Tyler! Are you okay babe?!"
- not answering
-   "Ty?"
- "I just need to lay here for a while..."
- "Are you okay?"
- "Your elbow..."
- finally seeing it

- you were riding a horse together
- he helped you on and while throwing your leg over you kicked him
- (you were gonna be in front)
- he almost fell off
- just sitting there with his hands over his dick
- "Are you okay?"
- "I'm gonna need a few minutes..."
- "Okay??"
- you being high key confused
- he tells you later
- you felt so bad
- like actually so bad
- you apologized so many times
- he said it was fine
- but seriously he was in so much pain

- you guys were about to have sex in his car
- you were getting undressed and your leg slipped
- your knee came in direct contact with him
- "FUCK!"
- both of you being too embarrassed to talk to each other for a few days
- then you guys make up
- and you go back to your normal selves

How many times did I use the word dick in this chapter?

9 times at least.

𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now