116| your dad is a pharmacist

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- you guys were gonna fuck
- but you'd misplaced your pills
- so he said it was all good, he'd go get condoms
- but he went to the store your dad worked at
- "can I get condoms?"
- "Finn?"
- his heart: racing
- your dad bought it though
- "over on your left."
- Finn went and got the card and after paying he said zoom out
- you thought it was funny

- he was confident going in
- then he wasn't
- "hey Rich! what do you need?"
- "Eddie needs a refill!"
- "oh... he just came in yesterday though..."
- "right. well, thanks anyways."
- Beverly was waiting outside because she gave him the pep talk to go in and buy them in the first place
- tbh she didn't want to be a godmother at 17
- "did you get them?"
- "no. Y/n's dad is in there."
- they came up with a plan
- basically, he went in and asked for some to give to his parents because they were going on a vacation  without him soon and he didn't want any siblings
- your dad thought that was hilarious

- your dad already knew you guys had fucked at some point
- I mean, ffs, Boris's hand was on your ass when you took him to meet your parents
- as soon as Boris walked in he knew what he needed
- "What size? extra small?"
- "fuck no. extra large old man."
- as much as your dad hated it, he didn't want you pregnant and Boris was paying so he gave him the condoms
- he was low key disgusted with you at dinner though :(

- bruh you already know he buys that shit off of Amazon.

- your dad also knew you guys had probably fucked before
- I mean look at Miles
- your dad just didn't ever think Miles would be the type to just flat out ask for condoms while he was working
- Miles was pretty respectable
- so it took your dad by surprise when the day before your birthday Miles showed up asking for some condoms
- "is it for..."
- "if you're going to ask if it's for Y/n, don't. it's obviously for her."
- "okay...."

- :0
- this definitely didn't go well
- "Trev?"
- "Mr.Y/l/n?!"
- "you're having sex with my daughter!?"
- everyone in the store looked at you two
- "she's my girlfriend so, yeah1!!11!"
- "that's disgusting!"
- "what the fuck are you talking about??? it's normal!"
- "but you're 17!"
- "yeah, that's prime time to have sex!"
- ...
- "can I please have the-"
- "take them Trevor."
- "okay..."
- leaves the money and bolts all the way back to his car

- he didn't know it was your dad
- "hey... aren't you on the missing kids board?"
- "no?"
- Bobert steals them while your dad was looking through missing kids flyers
- he sees you on the missing kids board though
- then he realizes that you look a lot like this man
- "what's your last name?"
- "y/l/n, why?"
- boi is shocked
- "no reason... I hope you find those kids though..."
- doesn't tell you about it

𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now