90|cute things he does

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- caresses you in his sleep
- seriously this boys hands are never not moving
- always running over your body
- it helps you sleep
- "You're really cute when you sleep."
- "Not really. What makes you say that?"
- "First of all, you're always cute Finn. Second of all, you caress me while you sleep. It's the most wholesome thing ever."
- =//////=

- he sticks his tongue out a little when he's really focused
- when he's playing video games, reading comics, or even just watching tv
- you always poke his tongue
- "Richie..."
- "hm?"
- "poke." :))
- "ugh, I thought I stopped that..."
- "why would you stop that?! It's fucking adorable!"

- he talks himself through cooking
- "eggs... flour... mix now..."
- you sitting there like OwO
- "why you looking like that, Y/n?"
- "Nothing... You're very cute Boris..."
- "Thank you."
- he goes back to cooking
- you go back to listening to him talk to himself
- you asked him about it once
- he genuinely doesn't think he does it
- "now add vanilla... what is vanilla? Vanilla..."
- "Think of ice cream bub."
- "oh! ваниль."

- he kisses you while he's asleep
- it's nothing serious
- but he'll tuck his head into the crook of you neck and give you little kisses
- sometimes he leaves little hickies
- "Tyler, you know something cute you do?"
- "What?"
- "You kiss me while you're asleep. You gave me a hickie last night."
- "No I d-"
- "I haven't left the house all day and you showered with me last night. The hickie wasn't there. Look at this."
- showing him
- o/////o
- "Sorry.."
- "Don't be love! It's cute!!"

- he likes to slow dance with you some nights
- he just wakes you up and you guys dance in the moonlight
- it's super cute
- he loves to lay your head on his shoulder and hold your waist while you sway to the music
- resting his head on top of yours
- forehead kisses
- you die when this happens
- seriously how can someone be so cute
- ahhhhhhh
- please I want it

- he gets really excited and makes little noises when you kiss him
- he'll make a little squeak, almost like a hiccup
- he does this all the time and gets so embarrassed about it
- you find it to be super adorable
- he just gets so excited
- "sorry! I didn't mean to do that..."
- "trevor! That was so fucking cute!"
- "what?! No... no way..."
- "yes. yes way, it was adorable."

𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now