109| leaving hickies

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- loves it
- seriously, he loves leaving hickies
- you can't really leave hickies on his neck because the paparazzi would go crazy over it
- that doesn't stop you from leaving hickies everywhere below his neck ;)
- he thinks you look 100x hotter with hickies on your neck

- they look so good on him
- fr though
- he looks... so fucking hot with hickies
- he wants you to leave hickies all over him
- the best kind of night would be leaving hickies on each other, oral, then passionate sex
- ugh, he'd love that so much

- loves to show them off
- "Potter look."
- he leaves hickies on you all the time
- especially when he's jealous
- he gives you more hickies than you give him
- but he leaves them on your inner thighs
- he loves the thought of his marks all over your body
- it seriously turns him on

- he's shy
- he doesn't want to hurt you
- but he loves leaving hickies so much
- after a little while he gets comfortable and then he leaves big ass hickies
- he likes doing BDSM (on nights when Other Tyler isn't coming out) and being the little
- this happens very few nights a year but he leaves the best hickies then
- probably because he loves your hands running through his hair
- it makes him want to do even more to you

- hickies are just a norm for you guys
- they're so romantic you both love them
- you guys give hickies 24/7
- when you're in the shower, when you're eating, when you're going to sleep, when you're watching tv, when you're riding horses
- all
- the
- time
- he always stares at his hickies in the mirror
- his favorites are the ones on his stomach and V-line

- give them all to him
- now
- he adores hickies
- when you guys are just having a little make out session and you move down to leave hickies
- ugh, fuck him right then and there
- he loves loves loves loves loves to leave hickies on your boobs
- it's so hot to him
- he just sticks his head up your shirt and gets to work
-  he 'accidentally' forgets to cover his up when you go into public

- yes sir
- They're a way of claiming you as his so he's always leaving them
- Bobert bites (that'd be so much hotter if his name wasn't Bobert, I'm sobbing.)
- he always leaves one hicky where he bites you
- at first you were scared
- then you realized it was kinda hot
- of course he likes hickies too
- they make him look so good so, fuck yeah
- he's always mesmerized by how cute you look with his love bites all over you

𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now