131| you have an eating disorder

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- he noticed that you didn't eat at all around him
- you were loosing weight really fast
- you were always tired and looked sick
- he went to WebMD
- when someone claimed you probably had anorexia he was really shocked
- he confronted you about it
- but as gently as he could
- you denied it
- he gave you a hug and said he believed you
- he knew how to get you to confess
- you broke down
- he was determined to help you

- Beverly had walked in on you making yourself throw up several times
- she finally told Richie
- he was really scared
- he never thought you would do something like that
- he asked you about it one night
- you told him it was not a big deal
- but then he started to cry
- he told you how scared he was
- he just wanted to help you

- you stopped eating his food
- he thought he was a bad cook
- then he realized that you weren't cooking for yourself
- "y/n... why do you... stop eating?"
- "I'm just on a diet..."
- he didn't buy it
- "then I make you salad."
- "no, I can't have that."
- he kept asking what food he could make you
- you kept telling him you weren't hungry
- but your stomach started to growl
- he bought you your favorite fast food and you came clean
- he held you and promised you would get through it together

- you hadn't ordered pizza in ages
- he asked your mom if you'd said anything about not liking his pizzas anymore
- she told him that you were telling her you weren't hungry all the time because you were eating  Ty's pizza
- you were cuddling and he asked you
- he was so scared you'd leave him
- but you were so relived he was trying to help you
- he did help you
- he was also glad you didn't hate his pizzas

- he was really blunt about it
- he didn't ask
- he told you you had it
- you denied it
- you guys got into a fight
- he knew he was right
- but he apologized and was more gentle with the subject
- eventually you told him
- he made you all your favorite snacks
- he didn't really know how to deal with this problem
- he just made sure you ate 3 meals a day every day

- it was at a school dance
- you ate two bites of cake then ran to the bathroom
- you'd been there for a while so he went to check on you
- yes, he went into the girls bathroom
- he was worried
- he heard you throwing up
- when he looked over your stall he saw you using a spoon to make yourself throw up
- he was really shocked
- he fucking slid under the stall door
- he hugged you for a long time

- the pack doctor told him
- he was kind of mad
- but really at himself for not noticing
- he helped you in every way he could
- he loves you too much to let you do that to yourself

Guys, you're perfect just the way you are. Please don't think you have to change your weight. If you really want to, do not starve yourself or make yourself throw your food back up. Instead try HEALTHY diets or a HEALTHY amount of exercise.

Eating disorders are serious and if you have one please, please please get help before something very serious happens.

I know you can do it. I'm always here if you need to talk <3

𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now