58|suicide attempt

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-you locked yourself in the bathroom and turned all the faucets on as hot as they could go
- stuffed a towel under the door
- you slowly started to suffocate
- Finn came in an immediately started to cough
- he saw you laying face down on the floor and rushed in to help you
- he was so scared
- then you started to cough
- all he could do was hold you and cry

- you were going to jump off the part of the quarry that was blocked off
- it was too high and people had died
- he grabbed your hand and pulled you back
- holding onto you so fucking tight
- crying so hard he can't see or hear anything about
- just holding you
- he has to sit down and continues to hold you
- you started to rock him while he cried
- eventually he calmed down
- "Please don't leave me. I'm nothing without you."

- you tried to hang yourself
- he came into the room and saw that you were still struggling so he ran over and grabbed his pocket knife, cutting the rope
- confused
- his English gets so bad
- he can't think straight
- he drags you to his room with his and frantically searches for his drugs
- holding onto you the whole time
- finally finds a joint but he's shaking so bad he can't light it
- "help."
- hands you the lighter then snatches it back as soon as you light the joint
- "Boris I think you're having a panic attack. It would be-"
- he kisses you to shut you up
- once he's high as a kite he talks to you
- "I am... Scared and... and.... I don't know this feeling. Like, can't breathe."
- "Boris I told you, you're having a panic attack."
- "I am fine. We talk about why you... Almost die today. Almost leave me and Theo. We love you so much. I love you more than anything. So please, fucking talk with me."
- you guys actually have a pretty good talk
- Boris is so good at helping you
- it ends with you falling asleep in his lap so, pretty good way to end such a shitty day.

- you were going to overdose
- Tyler saw the note and ran to your bathroom
- you had only taken a few
- he grabbed the bottle and poured them down the drain
- he doesn't know how to act
-it's like he's going through emotions to figure out which is best
- he goes from crying, to shouting at you, to apologizing, to kissing you, to hugging
- eventually he doesn't show any emotion
- "Are you okay?"
- you broke down and ran into his arms
- he held you and promised you'd be okay
- he actually stayed in this sort of dull faze for a pretty long time

- you tried to drown yourself
- only he walked into the bathroom and wanted a kiss
- he noticed the notes the immediately ran over and pulled you out
- he was crying
- "Are you okay? Do you need anything? Let me get you a towel. It's okay princess, everything is going to be okay."
- "Miles-"
- "Shhh baby, shhh... I'm here, it's okay. I love you. Okay? I fucking love you."
- making sure you're okay

- you were going to step into the street
- he grabbed you
- he didn't care if people saw you guys
- he just held onto you
- you got back into his car and sat there for a sec
- "Do you wanna talk about it?"
- you guys talked about it for hours
- you felt so relieved after
- he swore he would help you get better

𝐒𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐭 𝐋𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 ✦ 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐝Where stories live. Discover now