Chapter 24

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Third Person POV:

Newt stares at Gally, shocked. He thought Gally died, since he was banished just a few days ago. 'How did he survive the Maze?' Newt thought to himself. 'No one survives the Maze.'

Newt turns to Marina. Marina stares back at Newt, looking for answers in his brown eyes, but didn't find any. Then she remembered: Thomas. He wasn't here and she was responsible for getting him. Marina breaks away from Newt, heading to the hammocks, where Thomas sleeps. She hears Newt following behind her, but ignores his shouts.

She walks over to Thomas's hammock, only to find it empty. 'What the hell?' She thinks. 'Where the frick could he have gone?'

Marina turns around, walking right past Newt. She had to find Minho; ask him if he's seen Thomas anywhere. Minho isn't where she left him. She surveys the seen: Gally is still riding a Griever, with four Gladers fighting him and his pet. Other Gladers are fighting even more Grievers, there're probably five or six Grievers total. The rest of the Gladers are nowhere to be seen.

Marina feels a hand grab hers, intertwining their fingers. She looks to her left to see Newt standing there.

"Hey," he says, while starting to drag her away from the center of the Glade. "We should probably get to safety."

"What?" Marina says. "We can't go to safety. We have to find Thomas."

"Don't klunk your pants," Marina hears a voice behind her. She turns around. "I'm right here and I'm fine." Marina breaks away from Newt and tackles Thomas in a hug. Thomas hugs her back, not really sure if he should or not.

Marina breaks away, looking Thomas in the eyes. Thomas stares at her nose. "Where were you?" Marina demands.

"Bathroom." Thomas says.

"Oh." Is all Marina says.

"Um... I'm glad you're fine, Tommy, but we should probably get out of here." Newt points at Gally on his Griever, pointing and shouting at them. Suddenly Gally charges the little group, making them all scatter in different directions.

Marina runs into the Deadheads, Thomas runs to the Homestead and Newt follows Marina.

Newt hears Gally and his Griever chasing after him, but his limp is slowing him down. Newt reaches the clearing with the little shack in it. He slows to a walk, walking past the door. A hand grabs him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him into the shack. Once he realizes what happened, he turns to face his captor. All he sees are blue eyes.

Marina's POV:

I stare at Newt. He stares back. Then the feelings rush over me. I crush him in a hug. He hugs me back tightly.

"We should probably hide." Newt says in my ear.

"Probably." I say in his.

We crawl over to the small table in the center. I crawl under first, Newt follows. I sit, hugging my knees to my chest, shaking with fear. Newt grabs my hand, squeezing it hard.

'I wonder if Newt will ask about what I said about losing him earlier.' I think to myself.


Thomas! Get out of my thoughts!


Because they're not yours to be in!

Sure. I can practically hear the sarcasm in his voice. If you don't want me to hear them, why think them?

I didn't think you could hear them... I was doing so well of keeping you out of them, I didn't think you could get back in them.

Well, I can. Where are you?

It's a secret. I don't want Tom knowing about the shack.

Come on. Tom pleads. Just tell me.

That's when I hear Gally. He's right out side the door.

"I know you're in there." I hear him say. 'How does he know?' I don't try to hide my thoughts from Tom this time.

How does who know?

It's Gally! Gally starts to bang on the door. Tom! He's trying to get it!

Get in what?!

The shack. I start to cry. Please, Tom, please.

What shack?

In the Deadheads. In a clearing. Please. He's going to kill me. I start to shake. I stifle my sobs by slamming my hand against my mouth. Newt wraps his arms around my shoulders.

"It'll be okay." He whispers in my ear. I nod against his chest.

Then the door falls to the floor, reveling a Gally with a crazed look in his eyes.

Newt's POV:

Gally. He's here. He should be dead. Anger rises up in my chest. I push Marina behind me. I'm not sure if Gally's seen us or not, but if he wants to get to Marina, he'll have to go through me first.

"Here little girl." Gally says. He starts to walk around the room. When he gets closer to the table, Marina sticks out her leg, tripping Gally. He falls flat onto his face. He turns his head towards us. "There you are." He reaches out to grab Marina's leg, but she's too quick. She pulls her leg back and stabs Gally in the hand with a butter knife. She crawls out from under the table, taking the knife with her.

I follow Marina. We run out of the Deadheads, towards the Maze.

"Where are we going?" I shout at her.

"Don't worry about it!" I see Thomas, Minho, Chuck and a bunch of other Gladers trailing along behind them.

"What're they doing?"

"Following me!"

I speed up and grab Marina's wrist. I spin her around. "Where-are-we-going?"

She points at the Doors.

"Why are we going there?"

"I know the way out." She whispers.

"What? Since when?"

"I had dreams, no visions, of the escape," I let a small flash of hurt spread across my face, but immediately made it disappear. "I know. I should've told you. But I couldn't find the right time. Last night certainly wasn't the right time. It was too perfect."

I smile at that.

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