Chapter 03: Freaking Me Out

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Chapter 03: Freaking Me Out

Elizabeth walked out the back to Derek and mumbled that she was sorry that she had left him in so much pain, pain that she had promised to take away from him all those years before. Elizabeth picked Derek up, and helped him back out to his car with Stiles following them. Stiles was cautious around both Elizabeth and Derek, though he had known Elizabeth when he was younger – she was the fun Aunt as Scott had liked to call her as she was near Derek's age.

"Stiles, I need you to go back inside and tell Scott that I'll explain everything later," Elizabeth told him as she sat Derek in the passenger seat. "I can't do any more not until I get you back to the Loft,"

"Okay..." Stiles looked at Elizabeth with a raised eyebrow and then raced back inside to Scott. "She said..." Stiles trailed off as his best friend interrupted him.

"I know," Scott answered, causing Stiles to mutter 'Of course you do,' while Elizabeth and Derek drove off. "Go, I'll come by after dinner,"

"Wait a little longer," Elizabeth laughed, she knew that Scott was still getting the hang of the supernatural hearing. "I need time to heal Derek again,"

"I am sorry I turned you, you know...we were kids, it was an accident," Derek told her, she was the only person aside from his family that he acted that way around. "My mother didn't know what would happen to you, she knew that you were special,"

"I know, your mother is the one that told me what I know you're my anchor and you always will be Derek," Elizabeth said as they pulled into the alleyway beside the loft. "You said you had some teenagers living with you? Call one of them down here," she had driven above the speed limit to get there.

Elizabeth only had to the say the words, and Isaac was standing at the car. Isaac seeming to be the only one that Derek trusted. Isaac looked into the car and saw something that he hadn't seen on him before. Derek offered what he thought was a smile, but was more of a pained look as Elizabeth got out of the drivers side and then moved to open the car door.

"I need you to help me get him inside, he's going to be heavier than normal...and you need to be careful," Elizabeth explained they had to be, otherwise she might not be able to help him.

"Why should I believe you?" Isaac questioned, looking between the two of them as Elizabeth pulled him out of the car.

"She's known me a long time," were the only words that Derek muttered before passing out on Elizabeth's shoulder.

"Just help me get him inside," Elizabeth said, blinking and allowing her eyes to flash red for a brief second. "Now,"

"Fine," Isaac said as he hoisted the older man up and then headed towards the loft's elevator. "You're different," Isaac was studying her, he picked up on little things faster than the others.

"Werewolf and witch, I've been keeping do I put this, I've been keeping him from being in unbearable pain for years," Elizabeth told him, shrugging as though it was no big deal. "Just put him anywhere and then you can either watch or leave,"

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