Chapter 16: Problem Child

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Chapter 16: Problem Child

In France, Isaac was showing Malia around while also thinking over everything that had happened in the previous years. Allison's death still weighing heavily on his and Scott's shoulders. Malia was just happy to finally be exploring another country, albeit without Scott. Jackson and Ethan were in London, continuously updating both Scott and Elizabeth of what was happening whenever they found another pack. Stiles and Lydia had stayed in Beacon Hills a little longer before heading to Washington for Stiles to continue being an FBI student.

The next morning as they lay in bed Elizabeth started to question exactly how much or how little Derek had told Scott about the supernatural in the past before she had returned. Elizabeth rolled over in bed and found Derek staring at her smiling. Derek pushed her hair from her face and leant forward to kiss her.

"Morning," Derek smiled, yawning as he stretched and pulled her close.

"Morning, so just how much did you keep from Scott?" Elizabeth questioned, relaxing back into his arms as they lay there. "Yes I'm choosing now to ask,"

"I never told him that you were my anchor," Derek answered, pausing before he continued to talk. "There's a lot I never told him. Couldn't tell him really,"

"Oh Derek, what will we do?" Elizabeth laughed, tilting her head to see into his eyes and then kissing him again. "What else did you not tell him?"

"Things that I've told him and that he's now worked out for himself," Derek answered as they both heard Scott stir in the spare room. "Did he tell you about Allison?"

"About her mother trying to kill him? Yeah, that was a conversation that he didn't know how to have," Elizabeth answered, taking a deep breath before she continued. "And that she then tried to kill you because of Gerard,"

"Yeah, that was a fun time trying not to get killed," Derek told her before they found Scott standing in the door way.

"Having fun talking about the past?" Scott questioned, running a hand over his face as he yawned and stayed in the doorway.

"There are some things that both of you neglected to tell me and I was just wondering if you had planned on it," Elizabeth said still not moving from where she was curled up next to Derek. "I also know that you have both betrayed each other at some point but look where you are now,"

"I hate you sometimes," Derek laughed, Scott rolled his eyes at the two of them and moved to turn away from them. "Scott, she deserved to know,"

"I know," Scott replied, offering a smile to both of them before he again tried to make his escape. "I'm sorry Ace,"

*flash back*

Beacon Hills High-School, locker rooms

"Derek, this is going to hurt like hell," Elizabeth said holding her hand out to the younger boy, she was seventeen and he was just off turning fifteen.

"Just do it," Derek muttered, the basketball team had gotten more than a little rough during practice and Derek had gotten injured.

"Okay, but I don't want to," Elizabeth grabbed his hand and broke his wrist, they were sitting in the locker room. Derek screamed as he felt the bone crack but the bone cracking was what he needed for his ankle to heal.

*end flashback*

Elizabeth smirked at him before she kissed Derek again and he pulled her closer. Scott covered his eyes and backed slowly out of the room. Derek laughed as the two of them watched Scott leaving the room.

"At least it's not as bad as what it could have been!" Elizabeth laughed, indicating that if he had been at home it could have been his mother and Argent that he had walked in on doing much worse than what they were doing.

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