Chapter 12: Be There With You

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Chapter 12: Be There With You

Two months later at Stiles' first day at the FBI after graduating Beacon Hills High School, found himself met with an image of what looked like Derek running through a vacant field looking behind him. Stiles had spat his water onto the girl sitting in front of him, he had to get a better look at the image as surely it couldn't be Derek.

"Scott, they're after him," Stiles called his best-friend the moment he walked out the door and headed towards his dorm room.

'I know, Ace is with him...she...they have a plan,' Scott stated, Derek had called Elizabeth as when he'd been in wolf form he'd been hit and Braeden had found him.

"Your aunt?" Stiles questioned, he missed his best-friend and everything that went with him.

'Yes my aunt...' Scott trailed off and hung up the phone before Stiles could say anything else. 'I just lied to my best-friend,'

"Call Elizabeth," Lydia said, Malia agreed with her both knew that she might be able to help them with what was happening. "She probably is with him,"

Elizabeth was sitting with Derek, trying to make him kick start his healing. Braeden looked at the two of them, wondering why Derek hadn't healed and why Elizabeth hadn't done something. Derek had told her while they had been gone what she was able to do.

"Derek, you need to try," Elizabeth whispered, she needed him to start it before she did anything. "Derek!" Elizabeth growled at him her eyes flashing red as she did.

"I am trying!" Derek growled back at her before sharply inhaling.

"Good, now this time the second I press into your spine breathe," Elizabeth said as she forced him to semi-sit beside her, with most of his weight on her body. Elizabeth pushed her fingers in one by one and heard him take a deep breath. "Good, keep going,"

"How are you doing that?" Braeden questioned, she may have been mercenary but she wasn't new to the supernatural world, but watching a werewolf heal another was something else.

"Hybrid...I'm werewolf...but also I was born a witch, it's natural," Elizabeth answered, before returning her attention to Derek and slowly moving her fingers up his spine. "Breathe now, or you can scream which ever," Elizabeth laughed as she grabbed hold of his hand with her free one.

Derek let out an almost primal scream as Elizabeth tried to take the pain at the same time like she used to. Derek shook his head, he could handle it this time. Elizabeth sighed as she let go and continued to slowly move her fingers up forcing the magic to weave its way into his body. Derek grabbed her arm as he felt it pull and tug again.

"Relax, it's almost over," Elizabeth said quietly as she moved her hand up again and pressed one of fingers firmly into his spine and another beside it. "I'm trying something else, it should ease the pain even more,"

"I hate you sometimes," Derek growled at her, she just laughed and as he pulled tightly on her arm.

"I know," she pushed her finger harder and let the magic do its thing before moving her hand up again she was half way up his spine now. "Should kick in faster this time,"

"Are you sure?" Derek questioned, as he felt a tingle in his foot and looked down and realised that it was working. "You're sure,"

"Of course I am," Elizabeth smiled letting go as Derek slowly stood up. "When I'm not sure, I'll tell you," Elizabeth watched as Derek fumbled slightly before regaining his balance. "Ehh, you could be a bit wobbly for a few hours,"

"Now you tell me," Derek glared at her, as she stood up and took his arm. "Now this takes me back,"

"To the first time?" Elizabeth questioned, Derek nodded before glancing back at Braeden as they both realised that she was still watching them. "At the vet clinic?"

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