Chapter 10: Believer

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Chapter 10: Believer

Scott, Stiles and Malia did as Elizabeth suggested and started to try and get their friends, their pack back together. Scott believed that they needed Elizabeth's help to get them all together, but Mason was doing his best to help them at the same time. Elizabeth didn't leave Beacon Hills as fast as she she said that she was, instead she hid out at her apartment and cloaked her appearance. Lydia's mother had her committed to Eichen House out of fear for her safety. Parrish managed to get Elizabeth to visit Lydia in Eichen House before she left, Lydia's mother Natalie didn't know about what she was capable of doing.

"Natalie, I can help Lydia," Elizabeth said as she walked into Lydia's room after Natalie had kicked Stiles out again. "Just trust me please," Elizabeth smiled at her, Natalie looked curiously at her as Elizabeth put her hand to Lydia's shoulder. 'Lydia, sweetheart you're going to be okay,'

'You don't know that,' Lydia answered she was still completely out of it while Elizabeth kept her hand on her shoulder. 'I can't help my friends,'

'Yes I do and yes you can, you know how? Because you're strong,' Elizabeth sighed as she took her hand away from Lydia and looked at Natalie. "She will be okay, Lydia's stronger than she looks,"

Natalie looked at Elizabeth before Elizabeth walked from the hospital and met up with Parrish in the parking lot. Parrish looked at Elizabeth and then towards the eerie building behind them. Elizabeth pulled him aside towards his car.

"She's okay, she's scared but she's okay," Elizabeth paused before she continued. "Don't ask me how I know this, it's complicated...but Parrish, look after Lydia,"

"That's why I asked you to see her," Parrish said, looking to Elizabeth as his eyes changed – she closed hers and looked up at him with her eyes glowing purple. "What are you?"

"A werewolf, and a witch...hybrid...and Scott's aunt," Elizabeth said, that was something they hadn't told Parrish about her. "Take my hand, I'll show you," she held her hand out to him and forced him to see something he hadn't seen before. "Sorry, freaks people out a little the first time,"

"What did you just do then?" Parrish raised his eyebrow at her as he pulled his hand away from hers.

"Showed you what everyone else sees when you're in your supernatural state," Elizabeth said pausing before she continued. "I need you to make sure they stay safe. Please? And call me if anything happens that you think they can't deal with,"

"Elizabeth, okay. But where are you going?" Parrish questioned, as it clicked in his head what Elizabeth had said about showing him what everyone else saw.

"I have things outside of Beacon Hills to take care of. I'll be back soon, Argent's here to help also," Elizabeth answered, taking a deep breath before she continued to speak. "Look, I've been what I am for a long time...I was a witch before I became a wolf..." Parrish nodded in understanding before the two bid farewell and Elizabeth made to leave Beacon Hills and head back to Texas where she had found one of her pack.

'Scott, text me or call me if you need me...I'm heading to Texas,' Elizabeth sent Scott a text as she got in her car as her phone beeped at her telling her that she had a text.

'Elizabeth...dead people are turning up alive. Liam,' Elizabeth read the message and looked at Parrish, clearly confused.

'What do you mean dead people are turning up alive?' Elizabeth texted back as Parrish walked over to her car. 'I'm calling you,'

'Ace, stay in town please? I can't do this without you,' Scott sent Elizabeth a text as he was with Stiles trying to get them back together.

Elizabeth called Liam's phone as he was at the school library with Mason and Corey. Elizabeth left Liam a message telling him to tell Scott everything that he had told her as he hadn't answered his phone. Little did Elizabeth know, Mason was telling Liam the same thing. Elizabeth called Scott after leaving the message on Liam's phone.

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