Chapter 20: Nightmare's

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Chapter 20: Nightmare's

A week into married life, Elizabeth and Derek were woken one night by Theo standing in their bedroom doorway in a cold sweat. It was the first time that he'd done it, that they knew about, so both of them were slightly surprised. Derek stood up and headed into the kitchen motioning for Theo to go sit with Elizabeth he could smell the fear dripping off his body.

"Liam?" Derek questioned seeing the teenager standing in the kitchen leaning against the counter. "Everything okay?"

"I don't know...Theo just woke up tossing and turning and then left the room," Liam said looking up at Derek as he spoke and then back down at the floor. "What happened?"

"Focus your senses and tell me what you can feel," was the only answer that Derek gave the younger wolf as they stood in the kitchen and Derek reached around him to flick the kettle on.

"Love..." Liam said before shaking his head and feeling something else, something that he wasn't sure about. "Fear,"

In the bedroom Theo had moved from standing in the door way and was sitting cross-legged on the bed resting his head on Elizabeth's shoulder. He didn't know what to do, he couldn't shake the dream that had started up again, and he didn't know why.


"I get it, I do. I know you're not scared but you know that it's okay to be because nobody's going to think any less of you," Elizabeth was sitting cross-legged on the floor of the hotel room that she had booked talking to Theo on the phone. It wasn't the first time she'd gotten a call from him.

'They already hate me,' Theo muttered, he was hiding out in his truck after Liam had brought him back.

"Currently, yes they do. But Liam doesn't he may not like you currently but he doesn't hate you," Elizabeth sighed running a hand through her hair. "You know this is your second call in as many days...from his phone,"

'I know...' Theo trailed off wondering if she had worked out why he had called her again.

"Tell me what happened this time?" Elizabeth questioned, glancing around the room before leaning against the bed. "All the details,"

Theo took a deep breath before he went into detail about the reoccurring nightmare he was having involving his sister Tara. 'I keep dreaming that I'm waking up inside one of the box things in the morgue, and I escape and hear Tara's voice calling...' Theo stopped his voice slightly wavering as he spoke but he recomposed himself before he continued. 'She crawls towards me with a hole in her chest where her heart should be...I run...she catches me and rips out my heart...her heart,' Theo finishes as he glances out the window of his truck seeing that he was still alone.

*end flashback*

"What happened?" Elizabeth questioned, wrapping an arm around Theo and pulling him close as she hugged him.

"It started again..." Theo muttered, his head still resting on Elizabeth's shoulder. "The dream about Tara..."

"Sweetheart, she can't hurt you. When was the last time you had the dream?" Elizabeth sighed, she knew he'd had the dream more than once but not when the last time was.

"Before you guys got married...but before that it had been months...and before that it was just after Liam brought me back..." Theo was quiet as he said it out loud for the first time, every other time he'd managed to calm himself down, or Liam had helped somewhat but tonight was different.

"Shh, take a deep breath," Elizabeth said, still holding him as she attempted to get him to stop freaking out. "Theo, no one is going to get you it's okay,"

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