Chapter 18: Back To Life

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Chapter 18: Back To Life

Once they had recast the spell essentially rendering them invisible per-say to those who wished them harm, Elizabeth headed back to the hospital having not heard anything about Theo. Corey and Mason tagged along having heard from Deaton about what had happened, Mason wanting to check that Liam was okay. Elizabeth, Mason and Corey walked into the hospital and headed for the waiting room where they were met by Liam pacing up and down.

"Scott, do you want to make him sit on his ass?" Elizabeth questioned, startling her nephew as she stopped in front of Liam and took him by the shoulders. "Liam,"

"Ace, we've tried," Scott said exasperatedly, they'd been trying repeatedly since Elizabeth had gone to the clinic. "Mason, Corey,"

'Scott, what's your mom said?' Elizabeth was quiet as she got inside his head, she knew that Liam couldn't have been listening to them. 'Derek?'

'There was two pieces that got's not your fault,' Scott replied, watching as Mason and Corey managed to get Liam to sit down between the two of them.

'They're stitching him up now...' Elizabeth sighed a breath of relief as she looked at Derek who had moved from the chair and wrapped his arms around her. 'This parent thing is weird,'

"Your choice remember," Derek whispered laughing as he rested his chin on her shoulder.

After a few minutes Theo was wheeled past them and back into the room that he was originally put in. Elizabeth followed Melissa into the room and the two women closed the door once the other nurses had left. Melissa looked at Elizabeth and then at Theo it had taken them a little bit to get the boy under the anaesthetic.

"He'll be out for a little while yet," Melissa said as she moved to have a look under the bandages on his side.

"Did you find anything else that I missed?" Elizabeth questioned, as she looked where Melissa was looking and both noticed that nothing was happening with the wound.

"There was two pieces of buck-shot, flecks of mistletoe which we removed," Melissa paused as she replaced the bandages and took a step back. "You were expecting something more weren't you? That's being a parent,"

"Honestly Mel, I don't know what I was expecting...I knew I didn't get everything," Elizabeth put her hand on Theo's shoulder briefly and absorbed some of the pain that she could see he was in even with the drugs that they were putting into his system. "I tried, but I couldn't risk touching it either...especially the bullet which was coated in belladonna,"

"Understandable, stay in here with him. I'll tell them to take Liam home," Melissa said as she made for the door and saw Scott holding Liam back from the door. "Maybe you tell them to take Liam home,"

Elizabeth laughed a little before nodding. "Yeah, probably a better idea," she said as Melissa opened the door and let the boys in. "Liam, he's okay," Elizabeth said as the young teen came to halt at the side of the bed.

"It's my fault," Liam muttered, taking Theo's hand and looking at his sleeping boyfriend. "It wouldn't have happened if I hadn't insisted we go earlier than normal," Liam exclaimed, Scott pulled the younger boy towards him and made him look at him.

"Liam, it's not your fault. These things happen," Scott explained, keeping his hands on the boys shoulders as he spoke. "Lets get you home, Ace and Derek are going to stay,"

"It is," Liam growled his eyes glowing yellow forcing Scott to turn his red to stop him from doing anything.

"I'll call you if anything happens," Elizabeth said before Liam's arms found their way around her giving her a hug. "Go home study for that test,"

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