Chapter 26: Happy Birthday Theo

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Chapter 26: Happy Birthday Theo

Parrish watched as Liam and Theo followed the twins up the path of the next house and stood at the bottom of the steps before he got in his patrol car and headed back to the station to get his car. Soon Theo and Liam were carrying Thalia and Caleb back to the house, well Theo was carrying both the twins while Liam carried their buckets. Thalia and Caleb had decided after the fourth house that they didn't want to walk any more and only wanted to be carried by Theo.

"Mom..." Theo almost whispered the word as Liam stood beside him. "Help?" Liam glanced at Theo it was one of the first times that he'd officially heard Theo call Elizabeth 'mom'.

"Ace is getting changed..." Scott said as he opened the door and saw his little cousins hanging tightly onto Theo. "Here, give me one of them," he let out a little laugh and held his hands out for one of the twins to climb into his arms. "Derek's apparently helping her," Scott shrugged as Thalia jumped from Theo's arms into his.

"We lost them!" Theo exclaimed, Scott looked at Liam who rolled his eyes as Theo rearranged Caleb on his hip.

"Parrish called Ace, told her what happened. She had a little laugh," Scott smirked, he knew what had happened he'd been watching them from his room.

"Oh..." Theo muttered, almost annoyed that Scott was smirking at him causing him to glare back at him as the three walked into the house with Liam setting the buckets down in the kitchen.

"Dude, Ace and I had them run off on us last year. Was it the pumpkin house?" Scott questioned as he remembered when the twins were two years old and had ran up the path of one of the houses.

"Yeah, what is it with that house?" Theo asked, as he attempted to put Caleb on the ground but the little boy just held on tighter. Theo watched as Scott tried doing the same thing with Thalia but she did the same.

"We found them talking to Parrish, Thalia apparently told him about what they'd dressed us as," Liam said as Derek walked down the stairs with Elizabeth close behind him.

"Mom should be here in twenty, said something about her and Chris wanting the twins to watch 'It's The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!' with them," Scott said as he remembered getting a text from her before Theo and Liam had returned. "You know they're in love with pumpkins,"

"Alright, well we'll take the twins and get them into their pj's if you boys want to change," Elizabeth smiled at them as Derek took Thalia from Scott and she took Caleb from Theo.

The second that Theo was free from his little brothers grip he planted a kiss on Liam's lips and pulled him into a hug. Thalia and Caleb both covered their eyes making 'ew' sounds; apparently kissing was for mommy and daddy, and only for Theo and Uncle Liam when Thalia and Caleb were asleep – at least until they were older. Even Scott and Malia; Isaac and Cora hadn't been allowed to kiss without Thalia and Caleb making sounds.

"Tali, Caleb let Uncle Liam kiss Theo it's his birthday remember?" Scott questioned, offering a smile to the boys as Thalia sent a little glare towards her cousin. "Please?"

"But kissing is icky!" Caleb announced, causing Derek to laugh and lean across to kiss Elizabeth almost in spite of the children. "Daddy!"

"Okay," Thalia grinned, from her position in her fathers arms. "Kiss Uncle Liam,"

"Thank you Tali," Theo smiled at her kissing Liam again, while not moving from his arms.

"Come on you two, lets get you ready for Aunty Mel and Uncle Chris," Elizabeth said tugging gently on Derek's elbow to get him to follow her to their bedroom. "We'll be back in five,"

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