Chapter 07: Evolution

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Chapter 07: Evolution

A couple of days later and Liam had been taken and left in a well and Scott was going out of his mind trying to locate him. He'd spent time with Argent doing just that and when he had located him, he had eventually called in Elizabeth when he'd heard his cry. Elizabeth was there when Scott managed to pull him out of the well, Scott didn't let Deaton take care of Liam he had to get Elizabeth to do the kick starting again.

"Scott, you can't save everyone...we can try but you know it might not be possible," Elizabeth told him as they stood in the clinic over Liam on the exam table. "Let me do this and then I need to go and do some research," Elizabeth said taking hold of Liam's hand and motioning for Scott to hold him in place.

At school the next day Scott, Stiles, Malia and Kira were taking their PSATs when a student near Malia and Stiles collapsed and Lydia's mother found a rash on the student and Coach. Scott stood near the window and noticed that his Aunt had arrived with his father. Scott motioned towards the side of the school before he tried to contact her she was contacting him.

'Scott, I need you to listen to me if you feel yourself changing stay in the locker room. I'll find my way to you. I promise,' Elizabeth said quietly watching as Scott nodded before he disappeared from her sight. 'It's happening isn't it? Go now,'

"Ace, what are you doing?" Rafael questioned, looking at his younger sister as she stood away from everyone.

"Rafe, he's my nephew. And something is wrong...I can feel it," Elizabeth answered honestly looking up at her older brother. "I need to get in there, so let me." with that Elizabeth ran off she didn't care about what her brother had to say. Elizabeth slipped inside the High-school through one of the unguarded entrances and made her way to the locker room where Kira's father had found Scott. "Come 'ere kiddo,"

"Ace?" Scott muttered, before he told Kira's father to get Stiles. "You shouldn't be here,"

"Shh, I know. And I'm fine," Elizabeth held Scott and tried to force him to relax. "Your mom will know what to do...and your dad's probably going to kill me,"

"What did you feel?" Scott questioned Elizabeth as Stiles turned up and looked at her.

"How did you get here?" Stiles questioned, Elizabeth just smiled at him and continued to hold Scott.

"Help me get him up, and Scott. I don't know what I felt. It's weird," Elizabeth replied, as the two of them moved to stand up. "Take them to the Hale vault, there's a way in through the basement,"

Derek was at the hospital with Braeden who had been injured tracking down Satomi's pack when Melissa arrived telling him that there was someone that he was looking for. Melissa told him about Elizabeth being at the school with the kids having found her way in. Derek looked at Braeden and then Satomi and Melissa before going with Melissa and Satomi to the morgue where Deaton was waiting for them. Elizabeth sat on the floor of the vault with Malia in her arms as Scott had refused to sit still with her. Kira called out for Scott, as the three of them couldn't see. Elizabeth moved over to Kira and sat with her while Scott looked for the cure that Stiles was yelling about through the door.

Derek raced to the high school, he needed to make sure that they were okay. Derek opened the vault and raced down the stairs just as Scott broke the jar with the cure in it and released the spores. Derek pulled Elizabeth into his arms as Scott and Stiles went to Malia and Kira.

"You weren't infected were you?" Derek questioned, pulling away from her as she shook her head.

"No, I felt what was happening though," Elizabeth replied, pulling Derek into a hug again. "I'll work it out what's happening you least I hope I will,"

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