Chapter 09: Where Do You Go?

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Chapter 09: Where Do You Go?

Less than three weeks later and Elizabeth was answering a phone call from Liam telling her that Scott had started having asthma attacks and he didn't know what to do. As werewolves weren't meant to get sick, and he remembered Scott telling him that he hadn't had an asthma attack since he became a werewolf. Liam had called Elizabeth as he was running to Scott with an inhaler.

"Slow down Liam, what is it?" Elizabeth questioned, as she sat in her hotel room after she had found one of her beta's after leaving Derek and Braeden. "How's Lydia?"

'Scott...he had an asthma attack...I didn't think it was possible...' Liam spoke quickly not knowing what else to do or who to call. 'Alive..wait how did you know?'

"Tell me exactly what happened?" Elizabeth said, looking out the window before she pulled out her laptop. "Connected to all of you, don't ask it's a long story,"

'I was on the lacrosse field...' Liam said as he looked at Scott who was still staring at him on the floor. 'Talk to him?' Liam didn't give much of an explanation which frustrated Elizabeth but there wasn't much she could do about it.

"Liam, he'll be me, put him on then," Elizabeth sighed, she didn't know what else she could do from so far away. Liam held the phone up to Scott's ear. "Scott, kiddo listen to me. You need to breathe and relax. Take a deep breath,"

"Scott!" Liam spoke to his alpha in a tone that only the older boy could hear or so they thought.

'I can't...' Scott muttered looking at Liam as he spoke and realised that it was his aunt on the other end of the phone. 'Ace?'

"Yes you can, kiddo I know you can," Elizabeth paused taking a deep breath before she spoke again. "Scott you'll be fine, I can't do anything from here. And tell Liam that I don't need to be called for this," Elizabeth laughed before bidding him farewell and going back to what she was doing.

A few days later and Elizabeth had yet another series of curious text messages from Stiles. None of which she could decipher as they were all confusing so she told him to yet again stop messaging her. 'Stiles stop messaging me! If you need help contact Deaton,' Though one of Stiles texts had her quite curious as to what it was actually about so she had called him.

"Stiles, what's the urgency?" Elizabeth questioned, sitting in the middle of the hotel room that she was sitting in. "And, Stiles don't lie to me,"

'I don't know what to do, bodies are disappearing from the morgue...and my dad won't just let it happen,' Stiles spoke quickly as he looked around the room that he had ended up in.

"Okay, slow down and start again," Elizabeth said taking a deep breath and looking over to the couch that Derek had fallen asleep on while Braeden was out getting them some food.

'Bodies are disappearing from the morgue...and my dad wants to stop it but I think it's something more,' Stiles said taking a deep breath before he continued. 'What am I supposed to do? I don't want anyone getting hurt,'

"Stiles, I can tell you this, whatever happens it's going to happen no matter how hard you try and stop it," Elizabeth said thinking back to an earlier conversation with Scott. "I know I said to stop messaging me but if it's making you feel better keep it up. How's your investigation into Theo going?"

'Nowhere fast,' Stiles replied almost grumpily as he realised what Elizabeth had said to him. 'I'm not going to like what happens am I?'

"Probably not, but Stiles – Scott will always be your best-friend, always," Elizabeth answered as Derek stirred slightly. "When you see Scott tell him he'll be okay,"

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