Chapter 19: Wedding Bells

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Chapter 19: Wedding Bells

Just over a month later and Scott and Theo had been sent on a last minute errand to grab things that would be needed for Elizabeth and Derek's engagement party - though no one was sure exactly when they had gotten engaged. Elizabeth and Derek had not only refused to tell them when they'd gotten engaged but also when they had officially gotten together.

"Ace grounded me last week," Theo muttered under his breath as he and Scott walked back into the apartment carrying a random assortment of groceries. "Haven't told Liam that's why I haven't gone to his place..."

"Wait...Ace grounded you? What did you do?" Scott questioned incredulously, as he looked wide eyed at him Theo nodded he may have been nearing nineteen but apparently that didn't matter.

"Yeah... failed two of the last exams I had..." Theo mumbled almost incoherently as the two of them looked up to see Derek walking towards them and grabbing hold of their arms.

"PSATs are in a month, I'll help you out," Scott said before pulling his arm away from Derek. "What'd my dad say...kind of half listened?" Scott admitted that both he and Theo had half listened to the earlier conversation before being told to pick up missing items.

"That'd he'd kill me if I hurt your aunt," Derek answered before letting go of both of them and pushing Theo towards Liam. "Tell him," He hissed indicating that he'd heard Theo's muttering on their way in the door. "Give me the bag and go," Theo almost reluctantly handed Derek the bag he'd been carrying.

"Is my dad forgetting the part where he's in our world now?" Scott raised his eyebrow sometimes he wondered if his dad actually paid attention to what was going on around him.

"More than likely," Elizabeth laughed walking over to the three of them and wrapping her arms around Derek. "Besides your dad never stood up for me when I was a kid, I think Laura did all of that," Elizabeth said, Derek smiled slightly at the mention of his older sisters name. "As for you go talk to Liam," she added giving Theo a gentle push towards Liam who was standing talking with Mason and Corey in the living room.

A few minutes later and they saw Theo and Liam walking down the hall to Theo's bedroom. Scott rolled his eyes at his aunt and Derek before they headed to the kitchen to deposit the food and put some things in the oven to cook. Melissa and Natalie shook their heads and pushed the two out of the kitchen before telling Scott that he had to go talk with Malia who was feeling rather left out.

"Go mingle with your guests, we'll take care of this," Melissa laughed looking at the two and then at Natalie who nodded. No sooner had Elizabeth and Derek walked into the lounge room and they were faced with Liam storming towards them.

"You grounded him?" Liam exclaimed, Theo had told him but hadn't exactly told him the full reason for the grounding.

"Yes, did he actually tell you why or just that he was grounded?" Elizabeth questioned, shooting a glare at Theo who noticeably gulped. "Theo, really?" Elizabeth sighed before Derek shook his head. "Liam not today please,"

"But you grounded my boyfriend!" Liam balled up his fist causing Elizabeth to grab his hand and Derek to growl at him.

"He failed two of the exams he had last week, and he knew the consequences," Elizabeth said flashing her eyes at him quickly before making them go back to normal. "Now calm your ass down and go dance with him," she had temporarily moved all the furniture from the living room and dining room to one side so that they had room.

"Did you have to ground him?" Liam was adamant in getting an answer from her, he didn't care that she'd just gotten engaged.

"Liam," It was Scott's turn to growl at the young beta from across the room, even Theo's voice wasn't calming him down.

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