Chapter 28: The End or Is It?

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Chapter 28: The End or Is It?

Thanksgiving came and went. Ethan and Jackson arrived at the house with the announcement that they were planning on moving back to Beacon Hills to start their own little family. They were going to temporarily move into the remaining spare room of Derek and Elizabeth's. The twins loved their Uncle Ethan and Uncle Jackson so they were excited.

Elizabeth and Derek lay in bed late one Saturday morning relishing in the fact that the twins hadn't decided to grace them with their presence. They could however hear them down the hallway jumping on Theo's bed and Liam pulling up the blankets as fast as he possibly could. Theo's laughter was what broke the silence coming from the rest of the house.

"Should we save them?" Elizabeth yawned, glancing at Derek who shook his head and pulled her back under the covers.

"Mom!" Theo yelled, he'd just gotten to the point where he didn't care if the others heard him call Elizabeth mom, especially if it meant getting Thalia and Caleb off him. Theo looked at the clock on his bedroom wall and saw the numbers 8:15 flashing at him.

"Take them downstairs, I'm pretty sure Scott and Malia are in the kitchen," Elizabeth answered, she didn't have to yell to get her point across as there was a muffled.

"No we're not!" from Malia, followed by something that sounded like 'We will be in a minute,'.

"Get dressed and take them then, you two are on breakfast duty this morning and you know it," Derek said, he vaguely remembered the conversation from three weeks prior stating that if they stayed they took on breakfast duty.

"Derek!" Malia whined causing Elizabeth to laugh and pull Derek under the covers with her. "They're your children!"

"And Scott's their cousin. Deal with it," Derek called back from under the blankets.

In Scott's room, Scott had climbed out of bed and was pulling on a pair of track pants as Malia grumbled. Malia reluctantly grabbed her underwear pulling it on under the covers and grabbing Scott's discarded shirt before tugging it on. Scott took Malia by the hand and dragged her down the stairs, sometimes being a werewolf had its downside. After a couple of minutes they heard Thalia and Caleb running from Theo's room and stumbling down the stairs.

"Unca Petey put me down!" Thalia giggled as the older man spun her around at the bottom of the stair case.

"Peter?" Elizabeth and Derek looked at one another wondering just when had his uncle snuck into their house. Derek reached for a pair of sweats off floor while Elizabeth grabbed her pyjamas and they both pulled them on.

"So much for staying in bed," Elizabeth muttered as Derek took hold of her hand and the two made their way downstairs passing Ethan and Jackson in the hallway. "I'd say you two have maybe three minutes before the twins are racing up here to get you for breakfast,"

"Say what?" Ethan blinked, Elizabeth just laughed and continued down the stairs with Derek. "Did she just say what I think she said?"

"Yeah, Tali and Caleb get excited when people stay over," Theo said after he and Liam pulled themselves out of bed.

"We had bedroom visitors," Liam mumbled, they'd been happily minding their own business when Thalia had opened Theo's door.

"They're kids, what do you expect?" Elizabeth laughed as she and Derek entered the kitchen and headed straight for the coffee.

"Them not to barge into the room at the crack of dawn?" Malia suggested which earned a laugh from Scott and Theo.

That statement just made Elizabeth laugh harder, to which Derek joined in it was evident that none of them were ready for kids of their own. Malia scowled as Thalia wrapped her arms around her legs and looked up at her. Malia looked down her scowl immediately softening to a smile. This time it was Scott's turn to laugh at his girlfriends reaction.

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