Chapter 06: Wait For You

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Chapter06: Wait For You

By the end of November, Allison and Aiden had both been killed by Nogitsune and Oni. Isaac left with Argent to keep the Nogitsune from coming back to life. Isaac didn't know how to deal with Allison's death so he had Argent had left town and gone to France. Ethan had disappeared after being told via text that he had a place in Elizabeth's pack for all of his attempts at helping her nephew.

'Ace, we need your help. Derek's missing,' Scott had sent Elizabeth a text after a couple of weeks of not being able to find Derek who had gone missing after the Nogitsune. Elizabeth had replied telling him that she'd be back as soon as she could she just had things to take care of first.

When Elizabeth returned to Beacon Hills she found that Derek was slowly losing his werewolf powers. Elizabeth ran into Derek's loft, running straight into Peter before pushing out of the way. Elizabeth's brother, Scott's father was also back in town – he hadn't left since she had. Elizabeth had been gone while Kate had taken him, Scott had desperately tried to call her to get her to come back once they had found him.

"Not now Peter," Elizabeth growled running over to Derek just as he was about to collapse. "Derek, hey take a deep breath,"

"What are..." Derek muttered, taking a deep breath as he grabbed hold of Elizabeth.

"Take my hand," Elizabeth held her hand out to him, as he did so she felt something wasn't right inside of him. "Derek, what happened?"

"I don't know... Kate," Derek was confused, how had Elizabeth known to return to Beacon Hills again.

"Derek,close your eyes. You need to relax your spine it's pulling itself apart again," Elizabeth whispered, Peter looked at his nephew and then at Elizabeth having heard what she was saying.  "Peter, back off,"

"Now, what did you do?" Peter questioned his eyes flashing blue at her,Elizabeth closed hers before looking up at him with bright red eyes. "He was fifteen years old when they found him,"

"I said,back off," Elizabeth growled before returning her attention to Derek. "Close them, you need to," Elizabeth took her free hand and pushed her fingers into his spine. "Wait a minute fifteen?"

Derek howled as Elizabeth pressed into his back, Elizabeth did it again this time letting the magic course back through his spine to pull it back together. Derek's eyes flashed yellow, which was the part that surprised Elizabeth the most. Elizabeth pulled Derek closer to her and tried harder to get his spine back to place.

"Look at me, Derek you need to relax. Your werewolf side was, what was helping but with that going..." Elizabeth trailed off looking at Derek as she spoke. "Where did they find you?"

"Mexico...You don't know if you can do it," Derek paused before continuing. "That's why you came back, you need to be closer to me," Derek winced as he felt thing moving around in his back. "I spoke to mymother,"

"You did what?" Elizabeth questioned, pulling her hand away from him and essentially pulling away from him. "Your eyes,"

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