Chapter 13: This Means War

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Chapter 13: This Means War

Meanwhile in Beacon Hills things weren't quite working out they had thought they might. Scott and co had convinced his father that he had left until his father had questioned his mother. The only thing that Rafael knew for sure was that his little sister wasn't in town and was hoping that it stayed that way. Theo and Liam were at the Zoo, which was part of the plan to lure the hunters away from the armoury. Theo stopped Liam from killing Nolan he didn't want the young beta to be like him. That night the McCall house was shot up, with Melissa being injured as she was caught in the cross-fire.

"Ace," Scott mumbled as Malia sat beside him, they had to call his Aunt. "Call Ace,"

"I will, go and see your mom," Malia told him, taking his hand in hers. "You need to see her,"

Malia took Scott's phone from him, her phone had died and they all had Elizabeth's number. Scott looked behind him at Malia as he walked into his mothers room. Malia nodded, and went into his phone and found Elizabeth's number calling it.

"Scott?" Elizabeth questioned seeing his name flash up on the screen as she sat staring out her hotel window.

'Malia,' Malia answered before she looked up and then back at the floor. 'You know something bad is happening, don't you?'

"I do, and I'll be there I promise, but that's not why you called is it?" Elizabeth replied, running a hand through her hair and almost jumping as Derek placed his hand on her shoulder. "It's Melissa isn't it?"

'Scott's house was shot up, she was in the cross-fire. She's okay, but Scott's scared,' Malia spoke quickly, listening to Elizabeth's heart beat over the phone.

"Tell Scott that I may be able to do something, but I need time, explain what you found?" Elizabeth said, pulling Derek down next to her and putting her head on his shoulder. Braeden had since left them realising that Derek and Elizabeth's connection was stronger than she thought. "I'll be back soon,"

'It's called an Anu...' Malia trailed off as she realised that she could now hear breathing from two people. 'Hurry up,'

"Anuk-Ite, if I can find anything I'll call Scott," Elizabeth said pausing before she continued. "Malia, promise me that you'll keep them safe, Malia,"

'I will,' Malia said, hanging up as Scott walked out of the room and straight past her.

Elizabeth looked at Derek, they had to do something. Elizabeth put her head on his shoulder, they were both stubborn and had things to do before they could return to Beacon Hills. Derek nodded at her, they had to do something. Scott did the one thing that no one was expecting and contacted Deucalion asking him for his help.

"I heard," Derek pulled her face towards him. "There's more isn't there?" Derek kissed her before looking at her again. Elizabeth looked at him, wondering why it had taken him so long.

"There's always more, home is being over run. It's worse than I though they're all turning against us Derek, we have to stop it...I felt it when I was home last time," Elizabeth spoke quickly, she knew they had to find and hide the wolfs-bane but at what cost? "Took you long enough," Elizabeth kissed him back smiling. "You know, wolves mate for life?"

"I know," Derek said as the two of them stood up and pulled her up with him. "But we're not just any old wolves,"

"They have a secret weapon," Elizabeth said as she realised what he had just said to her. "Oh yeah, the evolved and the magical,"

"Exactly, and we need to find Isaac," Derek said suddenly as they started to pack up their belongings. "Well you find him, and then meet me at the location I told you about,"

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