Chapter 14: A New Beginning

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Chapter 14: A New Beginning

Meanwhile Scott and the rest of the pack had already made it to Vet clinic and were standing around waiting for Derek and Elizabeth to arrive. Isaac was talking with Scott while Liam, Theo, Corey and Mason were busy staring at the older werewolf wondering who he was as they hadn't really been introduced to him. What was bugging them the most was why he was wearing a scarf.

"Who's the scarf wearer?" Liam piped up as they looked at Isaac who was in mid-conversation with Scott.

"Yeah who is he?" Theo questioned, as he placed a hand on Liam's shoulder which almost caused him to be decked by the younger teen. "Woah, take it easy," he muttered under his breath as Liam hadn't expected it.

"Who's who?" Stiles questioned, looking around the room before his eyes settled on Isaac. "Oh he's no one, no one at all," Stiles nodded, hoping that Lydia would agree with him.

As Elizabeth and Derek pulled up outside the Vet Clinic they could hear the yelling match that had erupted between Stiles and Isaac for no apparent reason other than Stiles not liking Isaac. Derek rolled his eyes as they climbed out of the car and both adults leant against it waiting to see who would be racing outside first. First out was Corey and Mason, looking between each other and then back into the clinic.

"Slow down you pair, let me guess - Stiles is going off at Isaac?" Elizabeth questioned, as the two came to a halt in front of them.

"Who's Isaac?" Mason questioned, before it dawned on them that Isaac was the one that was fighting with Stiles. "Scarf wearer?"

"I'll go," Derek volunteered before he was almost bowled over Stiles running from the clinic waving his arms. "Stiles," Derek side-stepped and held his arm out knocking him over.

"Go back inside," Elizabeth laughed, turning Mason and Corey around as Derek helped Stiles up. "And Stiles there's no need to bicker with Isaac,"

"He started it!" Stiles exclaimed, both Derek and Elizabeth shook their heads. "Fine," he grumbled walking reluctantly back inside with the others.

"Guessing that no one introduced Isaac before the yelling match?" Elizabeth questioned, as they entered the examination room and she sat up on the table.

"Stiles, didn't give us a chance," Lydia said motioning to her boyfriend who was standing sheepishly in the corner of the room.

Scott shot Stiles a glare and a shrug at Elizabeth and Derek, he had an idea of how much trouble they had gone through to find him. Isaac was part of Derek's pack first and then Scott's. Elizabeth looked around the room and noticed that almost everyone had paired up with someone save for Isaac, but that wasn't unusual. Malia noticed that Elizabeth was looking around the room and looped her fingers with Scott.

"This is Isaac," Derek motioned with his head as he leant against the door frame.

"Isaac that's Liam, Theo, Mason and Corey," Scott pointed to the others with each of them waving or acknowledging with a nod. "Why'd you come back?"

"For you," were the only words that left Isaac's mouth before he thought of more. "And because Allison would have wanted it," the latter was said quietly.

"The only reason I ever come back is for you two," Elizabeth motioned towards Scott and then Derek. Derek rolled his eyes at her, he knew that he was the reason he'd worked that out after all these years. "You know it's the reason," Elizabeth laughed, Scott kissed Malia before letting go of her hand and going over to his aunt.

"Stop coming back...actually don't stop," Scott said hugging her before thinking better of the situation he wanted her around more than she had been.

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