Chapter 27: Anything But Ordinary

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Chapter 27: Anything But Ordinary

Less than a month later and they starting to get ready for both Thanksgiving and Christmas. Theo was sitting in Thalia and Caleb's play room reading them a story, while Scott and Cora acted it out. Isaac was in the den talking with Derek while Malia had gone out with Elizabeth. Stiles and Lydia weren't planning on being back until Thanksgiving. Liam was spending time with Mason and Corey apparently he had a surprise for Theo that only they were allowed to know about. Ethan and Jackson were planning on visiting the day after Thanksgiving and staying until Christmas in the spare room.

Elizabeth had dragged Malia from the house and out into the preserve to go running and to make sure that nothing was going wrong. "Where are we going?" Malia growled looking at her as they ran through the preserve.

"You need to run off steam, I can see that Scott's been too busy to run with you," Elizabeth smiled, spinning around to run backwards briefly before running the right way.

"He hasn't been that's more...I don't know what it is," Malia answered, running after her as they went through the preserve. "You have another reason,"

"I do, I need to make sure everything is still in place," Elizabeth answered, she needed to make sure that the spell she'd cast was still doing its job.

"But why am I here?" Malia whined as she caught up with her.

"Did you really want to be acting out a story to the twins or talking with Derek and Isaac?" Elizabeth asked, she knew how awkward Malia felt with the twins even if they were three years old and often debated with her.

"I'm getting used to it!" Malia exclaimed, even though she still felt weird about it. "Thalia's stubborn,"

"What do you expect? She's got Derek as her dad and me as her mom," Elizabeth grinned, as they stopped at the edge of the city. "And you for an aunt,"

"But I'm not her aunt...The only people they see as not being an aunt or uncle are Theo and Scott," Malia said as she stopped next to Elizabeth and they both sat down.

"I know but they're kids, we'll tell them when they're older," Elizabeth wrapped an arm around Malia and pulled her into a hug. "Theo's their big brother and Scott's their cousin,"

By the time Elizabeth and Malia returned to the house they were greeted with Scott holding both Thalia and Caleb upside-down. They weren't sure what they were going to see when they entered the house. Malia opted to stay outside with Scott and the twins while Elizabeth went inside. Elizabeth walked in and saw Theo, Liam, Mason, Corey and Nolan sitting sprawled out on the floor talking.

"Is that you Ellie?" Derek called, even though he knew her footsteps anywhere.

"You know the answer to that," Elizabeth laughed, heading into the kitchen to join Derek. "How long have they been sitting on the floor,"

"Not sure, they were sitting on the floor when Isaac and I finished in the den," Derek answered, spinning around and wrapping Elizabeth in his arms as they heard Theo saying that Elizabeth was a better driver than Derek.

"She is not better," that was Mason's voice, he refused to believe that she was better than Derek.

"She is though, you haven't seen her drive," Theo countered, causing Elizabeth to smirk as she stuck her head into the living room.

"I'm not teaching you defensive driving!" Elizabeth exclaimed, knowing that was where Theo was headed with the conversation.

"Why not?" Liam whined, he didn't even know how the discussion had come up but somehow it had.

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