Chapter 22: Mystery of Beacon Hills

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Chapter 22: Mystery of Beacon Hills

Mason and Liam headed to school, they were prevented from leaving by Natalie Martin who had been informed by Lydia about what was happening with Corey and Theo. Both wanted to leave but were told they had to stay until the end of the school day. Derek headed to meet Argent at his loft to look through both their bestiary's. Once everyone was on their way Elizabeth took Theo and Corey for a run through the preserve, though Theo hadn't gone in since he'd been shot earlier.

"Theo, it'll be okay," Elizabeth said as they got out of the car and leant against it. "I know you and Liam have gone a different route,"

"I know, it's just weird," Theo said, looking to Corey who nodded in understanding they had all been told about what had happened early one morning.

"Where are we going?" Corey questioned as Elizabeth threw them both a bottle of water.

"A track that rarely gets used, Derek and I use it," Elizabeth answered before she started to run and turned around backwards. "Come on,"

"Wait, you use this track and no one knows about it?" Theo questioned, as both he and Corey started to run following after her.

"Yeah, it technically doesn't start until we're on the other side of Hale House," Elizabeth answered, as she looked up at the barely standing house and they ran past it. "Back where we drove in...that's where Derek was hurt a long time ago, but don't tell him I told you that," Elizabeth laughed before she ran faster.

"Why does no one come behind?" Corey questioned as he and Theo caught up with Elizabeth and both realised what she had said about Derek.

"The no trespassing signs," Theo guessed that was why no one used the track but who actually followed 'No Trespassing' signs.

"Partially that and mostly people are scared to come because of the occasional spotting of wild animals," Elizabeth explained as the three of the ran through the preserve jumping over fallen trees before they ended up in a clearing.

"What is this place?" Corey questioned as they stopped running and looked around the area they had stopped in.

"Well it shouldn't have no trees in it that's for sure," Elizabeth said thinking back to a week earlier before the wedding when she and Derek had ran straight through the area. "Last week there was shrubs and trees,"

"But it looks like its been clear for years?" Theo said as they looked around and saw no sign that there had been any plant life there.

Theo, Corey and Elizabeth were rather confused over what was starting to feel very confusing in Beacon Hills. What they didn't know was that everyone was starting to see the same thing all over town. Derek and Argent stood talking in Derek's loft looking over maps of Beacon Hills – which seemed to be changing as they looked at them.

"Did you see that?" Derek questioned, pointing to where Beacon Hills First National Bank was but seemed to have changed to a shopping mall.

"I did, I think it's time we talk to that wife of yours and Deaton," Argent said as they watched more places on the map changing.

"Okay, that's strange. Have a look at this," Derek said as he pulled up an aerial view of the preserve where Theo, Corey and Elizabeth were. "That area of the preserve should be covered in trees and bushes,"

"Are you sure?" Argent questioned, raising an eyebrow as he looked at Derek and then at the images in front of them.

"I'm sure, Ace and I run there every week," Derek answered as he pulled out his phone to call Elizabeth. Derek dialled Elizabeth's number he didn't have to wait long for her to answer. "Hey Ellie, where are you?

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