Chapter 1

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"Gosh why are you so clingy today" i groan when this girl beside me would never letting my arm go since earlier.

Who else if not lalisa manoban.

She's lisa , or her nickname lili which is i'm the only one who allowed to call her that.she's my bestfriend since we were kids.we grew up together with our two other friend , jisoo and chaeyoung who are also in the same school with us.

This girl receives a lot of love by students in this school.everyone love her because of her bright and sweet personality...and not to mention about her looks too.she has a very small face with a brown orbs eyes that can make everyone lost in those beautiful eyes of hers.her plump lips that everyone craving to taste for.also not to forget her attractive smile and her beautiful laugh that can make people love her in first sight.but lisa can make people scared of her too by her cold side.she can be really cold if someone try to annoy her when she's having a really bad day or mess with her friends especially us.she will be really protective when it come to us.She ever beat the shit out of a guy who had been sexually harrassing chaeyoung until make him lost concious.the next day we heard that the guy already transfer to another school

"Hey" i said and stop from walking as i turn my head to this tall girl beside me.she look at me innocently


"You're going to break my arm if you keep holding it that tight" i glare at her and she giggles

"I'm sorry nini~" she smile sheepishly and loosen her grips.i return the smile and shake my head "you look extra happier today lisa , is there anything good happened that you didn't tell us?" Chaeyoung ask.

"Jennie bought me a chocolate milk this morning , and thanks to that i'm really in a good mood today" she smile widely.we all chuckle and continue to walk as she grab my hand intertwine it with hers

I get used to her touch since we are so close to each other.sometimes i would feel something is missing or feeling uneasy when lisa is not by my side.there's never one day without me and her spending our time together so i guess that's why we are not used to be far from each other

And maybe that's also the reason why she has feelings for me...

Yeah..i know about lisa's feelings.i accidentally heard her conversation with chaeyoung.that time i was trying to got into her room but suddenly i heard she said that she love me.being curious , i secretly peek from her bedroom's door and saw that she was talking with chaeyoung.chaeyoung told her to confess her feelings to me but lisa said she's not yet ready and i'm so thankful after heard what she said

Don't get me wrong..i love lisa but only as my bestfriend.i'm glad when she said she's not yet ready because i don't know what to say to her if she REALLY confess her feelings to me.i can only see her as my friend that's all.since that incident, i decided to distance myself from lisa at first because the closeness of our friendship may be the reason of why she likes me but...i can't..i can't resist her..everytime i tried to ignore her i'll feel pain in my heart seeing her sad face.and not gonna lie i'm gonna miss her touch and her warmth everytime she give me a hug.and the way she always cheer me up when i was sad or have a at last i just decided to pretend like i didn't know or heard anything.i just can't leave her..

"Let me.." lisa take my books and hold it in her arms. i give her a's not a first time for me since she always carried my book or my bag even it's not that heavy

"Aww.. chaeyoungah carry my books too " jisoo said and playfully hand her books to chaeyoung trying to tease us.

"Shut up"i glare at them while lisa is chuckling beside me


Lisa POV

I'm going to watch a movie with jennie today in my room.we always do this everytime we got back from school.sometimes she will come to my house to study together.or maybe four of us will do crazy things when we get depends on who willing to let her house get ruined since we'll sure to leave a big mess after that

"What took you so long?" Jennie raise her eybrow at me with a crossed arm as she sit on my bed with my laptop on her lap.aish this bossy attitude of hers really...

"Ah..i prepare some cookies for us since you are too lazy to get your ass up from my cozy bed to take the food , so here you go" i hand her the bowl that full of snacks and cookies.she take it and smile widely

"You really know me" she grin

"Of course" i proudly said.i crawl into the bed and sit beside her as she immediately put her head on my shoulder with her hand softly rubbing the back of my hand like she always do.this small action from her sometimes , i mean everytime can make my heart gone crazy.i take a deep breath and trying to control my heart that keep beating loudly.i hope jennie didn't hear it

"Is that another love letter from random chick?" Jennie suddenly tilt her head to me while pointing her finger to the table beside us.i look at the letter and look back at jennie as i nod

"Yeah , i don't remember but i think that girl's name is..urm..aish i forgot" i said and turn my attention to the movie

"Are you not going to read that letter?" She ask.i shook my head


"Good , let me burn it for you.." jennie said making me giggles.i love her protective side towards me.she always save me from the girls that keep asking me to go out or have a one night stand with them.with one glare from jennie enough making them stop bothering me.

After an hours of watching a movie , jennie's head suddenly fall from my shoulder to my lap as i quickly hold her with my one hand on her head while the other on her waist.i sigh in relieve when i got to catch her at the right time.her head might get hurt is she bump into my leg.i slowly lay her down comfortably on the bed and cover her with the blanket.i softly kiss her forehead and smile widely as i can't stop staring at her beutiful face...

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