Chapter 27

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Lisa POV

A few minutes before

I feel a pair of hands dragging me somewhere but i can't see who she mind was blank and i can't see properly.all i know is , i feel my back land on a soft mattress.i open my eyes a little , with a blurry eyes , i can see a figure of a girl on top of me smiling


"Jennie?ugh...nini is that you?" I ask and i feel disgusted with my own drunk voice

"Yes i'm here lisa.." she whisper and slowly kiss my neck making me moan a little

But something is off..i don't know why but i feel like something is wrong

"Ugh..jen s-stop.." i tried to push jennie away but with my drunken state , of course she's more stronger than me.she suck my neck harder making me moan a little bit louder.after that..all i can hear is a beautiful voice shouting my name







Jennie POV

I slowly open the door and my heart shattered into eyes started to form a tears while i'm bitting my lips hard.

Lisa was laying on the bed with irene on top of her

I feel my blood boiling and i clench my fist tightly.

"Jen!did you fin-- oh shit..." he muttered as he also can see what i see

"Jen relax..calm down maybe its--" i ignore him

"Lisa!!" I shout angryly and walk inside.irene seems startled and she look at me with a bitch look on her face

"Oh come on , we're having f-" i cut her off by slapping her hard.tears rolling down on my cheek as i glance to lisa who's lying helplessly on the bed.her shirt get unbottoned and her belt was unbuckled.i grit my teeth tightly

"How dare you slap me?!" Irene shout and was about to slap me but hanbin hold her hand

"Stop it irene!how could you do this to lisa?!" He shout angryly

"What the fuck are you doing here!let me go!" She push hanbin harshly and kick him on his balls making him groan in pain

"Yah!" I push her.her eyes widen and she angryly walk to me , she raise her hand to hit me but suddenly she get stopped again when someone hold her hand

"H-hey~why there's a two jennie here?ugh wait okay don't don't hurt other jennie okay?" She mumble drunkly while pointing her finger to me and then to irene and back to me.

i really want to smack her head

"Lisa let me go!" Irene shove her hand away making lisa fall on the floor.she's holding her head as if she was in pain.seeing that , i quickly slap irene again and push her fall on the floor too

"Jennie..take lisa out from here , i'll take care of irene" hanbin said while holding his private part.i nod and mouth thankyou to him before i help lisa to walk out from this hell

"Bitch where's the key?" i ask lisa angryly while making her rest against her car.i would be the one who drive tonight.lisa look at me innocently and grin

"What the fuck are you grinning at ?where's the key!" I said impatiently but she suddenly kiss my lips making me look at her in disbelief

"Yah i'm fucking mad at you right now!!" I hit her chest

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