Chapter 4

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Lisa POV

"Stop being grumpy lis , open your eyes wide and focus on the lesson" jennie scold me as i pout even more than before.this morning i told her that i don't want to go to the class because i'm tired because of last night.four of us are literally does a lot of crazy stuff and i feel bad for chaeyoung..she must be more tired to clean all the mess that we've done last night

"I'm sleepy....i wanna go home" i whine while keep pinching my cheek to keep me stay awake

"Psst..lisa~" someone call my name in whisper making me and jennie turn classmate , joy hand me a candy with a smile on her face.i look at her confusely

"What is this?" I ask

"You're sleepy right?eat this , it might help you to stay awake" she smile cutely , i take it and immediately put it into my mouth

"Hmm~thankyou joy" i said and smile widely making her blush.

"Please sleep early lisa , it's not good for your health...are you okay?do you want me to drop you home after this class?" Tzuyu suddenly said showing me her concern face.i chuckle and shake my head

"I'm okay tzuyu , thanks by the way"i said and wink at her making her face become red as joy too.she cover her face shyly.i giggles and turn back to the front but get uncomfortable when i feel a cold stare beside me.i slowly look at jennie and gulp when she's glaring at me deathly while raising her eyebrow

"W-what?" I nervously said

"Flirting in the class?seriously?" She scoff

"What?i'm not flirting..i'm just being nice" i pout while still munching the candy that joy gave to me.jennie roll her eyes "take that candy out from your mouth , it's rude to eat in the class while teacher is teaching" jennie said

"Yeah  , said the one who always bring snacks in class and secretly eat it while the teacher is writing some notes on the board"i scoff and giggles after when she give me a glare.

"I'm not" she pout

i giggles and pinch her cheek.her cheeks are my favourite part of's so fluffy and cute especially when she's pouting.

"Manoban!" I jump a little on my seat when suddenly our teacher call my name in a harsh tone.i look at her and smile sheepishly as i know that i'm going to get scold..again..

"Can you stop talking during my class?or you rather to stand at outside until my class end?"

"Teacher no~~ be pity on her..maybe she's just asking about the question that she couldn't undestand to jennie" joy said to our teacher while the other girls nod their head vigorously.i giggles and mouth 'thankyou' to them.

"I'm not going to give you another chance if you talk again in my class lisa" the teacher said and i nod

"Nae~" i smile widely

"Awww you're so cutee!" The girls in the class squealing while looking at me making me blush in embarrasment

"Gosh those girls are really all over you" jennie said as she shoot them a glare.i giggles and turn my attention to the front but suddenly i feel someone poke my arm.i turn my head again to jennie and she hand me a candy which i assume it's a strawberry flavour because the colour of the cover is pink and red.i look at jennie but she's not looking at me

"Eat this and throw out the one that you have in your mouth " she said.i smile and tilt my head a little to behind me to make sure that joy is not looking because i'm scared that she'll get hurt.i take a tissue and take the candy out from my mouth and put jennie's candy instead.i look at her and mouth thankyou as she look at me with a satisfied look

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