Chapter 20

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"Don't worry chu i'm fine..lisa?she's not yet's okay i'll wait for her..okay..thankyou jisoo" i end the call and put the plate on the table.

i woke up early and went to lisa's place today because i want to cook a breakfast for her.since i have her duplicate key , it's easier for me to get inside.i put my chin on the table while waiting for lisa to come downstairs.i was hoping that she'll listen to me and we'll be back to normal.i really miss her.i miss to seeing her smile , to hear her laugh and to feel her warmth everytime she hold me.while i'm busied with my thoughts , suddenly i heard a footsteps from the stairs.i turn my body and once lisa walk into the kitchen , her eyes widen when she saw me.i look at her outfit and frown when she was wearing a blue jeans and a brown coat with a white shirt tuck inside her she going somewhere?

"What are you doing here jennie?" She ask while looking at me with a raise eyebrow.i bit my lips and smile a little

"I-i cook a b-breakfast for you want to eat with m-me?" I stuttered in a low voice as i look down on the floor.she didn't say anything and after a while i heard she sigh

"I can't , i'm going out with irene , just go home jennie" she said and my heart broke into pieces.i keep my head down as tears already forming in my eyes.i clench my fist tightly on my lap and didn't dare to lift my head up

"Okay..b-be careful l-lisa" i said while hardly bitting my lips.i get up and went to the living room to take my bag and when i was about to leave her house , suddenly lisa grab my hand

"Where are you going?" She raise her eyebrow

"H-home.." i said in whisper

"Stay here , i'll call chaeyoung to pick you up" she said and take out her phone

"No..i can t-take a--"

"Just stay here and listen to me jen" she said in a deep voice making me shut my mouth tightly.

"Hello chaeng?can you come to my place and pick jennie up?yeah now..okay thankyou" she put her phone back in her pocket and look at me

"Don't go anywhere until chaeyoung come , i'll go now" she said and leave the house before i got to say anything.i burst into tears and repeteadly wipe it away.

It's too late to regret everything


Lisa POV

Me: hey chaeyoung , if you see a food at the kitchen , don't you dare to eat it.i'll eat that later when i'm back

Chipmunk 🐿 : oh i was about to eat this food!why you leave all this food here?it might get cold

Me : i'm still going to eat all of that even the food getting cold , don't worry.please bring jennie home safely

Chipmunk 🐿 : okay..but lisa please don't be too hard on her.she's crying so hard right now , what did you do stupid?

I sigh heavily and turn off my phone.i told chaeyoung to pick her up because i want jennie to be safe.people these days are dangerous even a cab driver so i don't want anything happened to her.what the hell did she think coming to my house by herself with her injured legs?she need to stay on her damn bed and wait for her leg to become better

"Lisa?you okay?" Irene snapped her finger on my face making me flinch

"'Oh..i'm sorry i was thinking about something"

"Are not you hungry lis?seriously?a coffee are enough for your breakfast?" Irene said with a chuckle.i laugh nervously.actually i want to eat jennie's cook later at home so i can't fill my stomach for now

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