Chapter 19

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Jennie POV

It's 12.45..i'm fucked up

I groan when i step out from the leg feel sucks.but i don't care about it , all i think right now is how i want to explain to i want to confront her.i walk to the door while limping , i guess all of our friends already went home since there's no shoes in front of her house.i turn the doorknob and saw chaeyoung and jisoo sitting on the couch , but there's no lisa to be seen

"Guys?where is li--"

"What the fuck do you think you are doing jennie?" Jisoo said coldly without no expression on her face.i sigh

"I know ..i'm sorry i tried my best to be back on time but i can't , hanbi--"

"That's not what i'm talking about jen"  i frown


"Why are you hiding it from lisa?you know about her feelings but tell me why the fuck are you hide it from her?!" Jisoo shout at me and my whole body eyes widen and my heart beating faster.

Please tell me lisa is not here not because of..

"H-how did y-you know?"

"So it's true huh?you really knew about it jennie?so it's true that you are trying to play with her feelings?how could you?!did you know that she's trying to tell you about her feelings for you tonight but look at what you did!" Chaeyoung said angryly while tears rolling down on her cheek

Wait what?

Lisa..s-she's what?

"What did you said?lisa want to what?" My voice was shaking , my hands already getting cold and i look around trying to find lisa

"Don't act dumb jennie , i can't believe you did this to lisa.she was crying so hard because of you!"

"Wait guys please...please tell me what's really happening here.about lisa..p-please tell me that she's still didn't know about this  "

"Why?so that you can keep playing with my feelings jen?" I turn my gaze to lisa who was walking down from the stairs.her eyes was puffy and red , her eyes fills with sadness as she look at me.she smile weakly

"L-lisa..i.." i slowly walk to lisa and tried to hold her hand , but she back away

"Don't touch me" she said in tears already streaming down on my cheek , i don't listen to her and tried to hold her hand again , but she harshly shove her hand away from me

"At first i thought  i was well prepared if i get rejected by you tonight , but i didn't expect that i'll get this kind of suprised from you jennie" she laugh under her breath.her laugh sounds painful , her eyes started getting teary and she look at me sadly

"You are good in acting kim , so the time when you asking me about who the person that i love and the reason why i love her , just because you want to see me embarrass myself in front of you?telling you how much i love you and how perfect you are in my eyes , but deep inside you were laughing at me?you look at me like i'm a stupid person who's chasing someone that already reject me from the start?did you enjoyed it jennie?did you have fun watching me falling more in love with you?" Lisa broke into tears.she sobbed hard and grit her teeth.she clench her fist tightly while staring at me.i want to explain to her everything..but i can' mouth won't open as i just look at her with tears running down on my cheek

"I don't want to see you again after this jennie..just think that we didn't know each other at school , thankyou for making me feels like i'm a special person for you all this time.thankyou for make me happy everytime when  i'm with you even it was all fake.thankyou" she said and turn around , i shake my head and quickly hug her from leg feels so numb and i think it get worse.i can't even stand for too long but i won't leave this house before let lisa hear my explanation

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