Chapter 16

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Jennie POV

I woke up in a really good mood today , yesterday was absolutely amazing and fun.the image of the rainbow fountain are still lingering in my mind.this morning i was confused when i woke up in my room when the last thing i remember is i'm in the car with lisa.i smile shyly at the thought of she's carrying me up here.

"if you really~ really love me malhaejwo~" i sing happily while putting the ingredients into the pan

"I love you~"

"AH!!"  i startled and jump a little when i heard a voice behind me.i quickly turn around with a clench fist ready to punch the shit out of him but sigh in relieve when it was lisa

"Gosh i really need to take back the extra keys that i gave to you!stop break into my house without knocking the door first lisa!"

"I'm sorry~" she giggles

"Sit there , i know you came here because you're too lazy to cook "

"That's not it!i just stop by for a while since i need to go out with irene later...and the place are near here so i decide to see you first"

I stop from cooking and raise my eyebrow

That girl again?

"Oh..really?did she ask you to have a breakfast with her?"

"Yeah , she said i can't say no since i cancelled our plan yesterday"

"So you're not going to eat with me?" I frown feeling disappointed

"I guess no?"

"Then go"


'I want to slap her'

"you said you want to go out with her , then go now she must be waiting for you" i said sarcastically while not looking at her , but i frown when i heard she's giggling at me


"I'm just kidding nini , of course i'm not going to missed your delicious cook.actually i have 20 more minutes before i meet irene..i'll eat with you first and just have a light food later " she said while taking a plate and put in a fried rice that i just cooked.i bit inside of my cheek trying to hold back my smile

"But did you really need to go out with her?" I ask in annoyance

"Don't make that face , she's a new irene now jen no need to hate her too much"

I put down my spoon and look at her with a narrow eyes.i raise my eyebrow

"So does this 'new irene' you are talking about got to make your heart flutter too?"

She laugh and shove a full spoon in her mouth."nawhh , nwever" she said  while munching her food

"Yeah make sure you didn't.." i mumble quietly.lisa's phone suddenly lit up and irene's name show on the display.she take her phone and answer the call

"Hello irene?..oh now?... i'll be there...okay see you"

"Okay see you" i mock her and roll my eyes

"Jen i think i need to go now , thankyou for this delicious food , i'll see you later" she pat my head and take her car keys on the table.she wave a goodbye at me before she leave my house.i sigh heavily after she left

"That stupid ex of hers really get into my nerve.." i sigh and went to the sink to wash the dishes.






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