Chapter 3

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"And what happen after that?"

"She drag me into an empty class and tried to kiss me and yeah..she leave this mark on my neck as you can see but thankfully chaeyoung stop her before she do something worst..she saw me at the time when sunmi was dragging me with her so she decided to follow us" lisa explain while her attention at the front focusing on driving.i feel bored at home and ask lisa to accompany me to go to the mall and she happily agreed.

So about what we're talking , i accidentally saw a purple mark on her neck.i ask her what that is and she refused to tell me at first but after i threatened her she quickly told me that yesterday sunmi which is one of her fans tried to kiss her and that purple mark on her neck are from that girl.i think that's the reason why she keep wearing a scarf around her neck or a turtle neck shirt.when i ask her why she just said that she feel cold even now is a summer session

I really want to scold her for lying to me

But i'm more interested at the plan of killing sunmi right now

How dare she touch my lisa?

"Nini?" I back to my sense when lisa softly rub my hand.

"Are you listening?" She ask

"Ah..yes i am..i'm sorry i just thinking about sunmi" i said while not removing my eyes from that purple mark on lisa's's really distracting me and i really want to remove those mark from her beautiful skin.when she felt my cold stare , she nervously turn her head to me and look back at the front

"W-waeyo?" She stuttered

"I'll kill her next time when i see her at school" i said and sit back properly on my seat with a crossed arm.lisa chuckle

"It's okay jen , let her be..i'll not going to let her do that again" she said calmly

I keep silent getting lost in my thought and after a while we arrive at the mall


"Do you like this one?" Lisa show a white dress that will absolutely look beautiful on jennie.a smile shown on jennie's face as she look at the white dress.lisa smirk

"I have a good taste right?" She wiggle her eyebrow.the older chuckle and take the dress

"Wait for me here, don't go anywhere arasso?i'll try to wear this and you'll tell me if it's look good on me or not" jennie said and push both of lisa's shoulder down to make her sit on the small couch

"You look beautiful even when you're wearing a trashbag nini" lisa said making the small girl blush.she enter  the  fitting room and before she close the door ,she wink at lisa making she's the one who get blush now

"Aish this girl is the death of me" lisa mumble

After a minutes , the door opened and lisa's jaw dropped at what she was seeing..she didn't even blink as her eyes busy staring at the gorgeous girl in front of her.jennie look at her shyly while fidgeting with her fingers getting nervous at lisa's stare.

"Yep.." Lisa said as her eyes still focusing on jennie.jennie frown


"Yep i'll definitely buy a hundred of that dress for you and you'll wear that everyday because you look so fucking beautiful in that dress" lisa said as she immediately stand up, taking out her wallet and hold jennie's hand who are already blushing mess dragging her to the counter.

"Y-yah lisa let me take this off first!" Jennie said while covering her red face.lisa turn around and look at her

"Don't take it off , i want you to wear it until we got home " lisa said in a plead tone.the staff in that shop are giggling hearing their conversation since earlier

"It's okay miss , you can just wear it since your girlfriend like to see you in that dress so much" the staff smile and both of them blush hearing the 'girlfriend' word came out from her mouth

"Ah..t-thankyou.." jennie said shyly

"Thankyou and urm.. can i know if you have more stock left for this dress with a same size and same colour..or you want me to buy another colour jen?black?dark blue?pink?how much do you want ? Six? Seven? I can--"

"No!lisa god no , one is enough for me let's go now" jennie quickly said amd drag her to the counter.lisa refuse to go but when she earn a death glare from jennie she immediately run to the counter to pay.jennie facepalm herself 

"Your girlfriend is so cute" the staff giggles

"Yeah she is.." jennie said and smile widely not denying what the staff said.





Jennie POV

"For god's sake lisa stop smiling like a creep you freaking me out" i said when lisa can't stop from smiling after she bought this dress for me.she was so happy earlier and can't take her eyes off me when we're walking at the mall.and now , she's literally driving with that stupid wide smile on her face

"I can't help it , it's a rare for me to buy you something because you always refuse when i want to buy you a gift.." she said while pouting

It's not like i don't like the idea of her giving me a gift or buying me something..but it just..she likes me you know?i don't want her to waste her money on me when at the end i can't return the same amount of love she was giving to me..i don't want to hurt her..

"Jen , promise me that you'll keep that dress with you even when it get torn into half" she said jokingly and i laugh."keep that you'll remember me everytime you wear that dress" lisa added and turn her head to me giving me a sweet smile making me feel butterfly in my stomach

"I will lili ,i promise...and thankyou so much for this..i love it so much" i said while smiling widely

"You already promise to me so you need to keep your promise okay?" Lisa said

"Nae~ don't worry" i said

"Thankyou nini , i love you" lisa said making my heart beating like crazy.i feel different everytime she say those words to me after i knew about her feelings..i feel like she's confessing her feelings to me

"I love you to--" i got cutt off when lisa give me a glare

Oh i forgot that she didn't let me to say that

"I told you to not say that words to me right" lisa said chuckling

Before , lisa ever told me to not say that i love her or reply back when she said that she loves me.before i know about her feelings , i was so confused and always ask her why but she never give me an answer..but after the incident , i know what's the reason..maybe because she doesn't want to put her hope too high on me..and she didn't want to keep falling for me when she's also not yet sure wether i will be hers or not one day

"Lisa , can you tell me why i can't say that to you?" I ask just wanting to hear what her answer would be

Sometimes i feel sad at the thought of i can't tell lisa how much i love her.i mean even if i can't love her like the way she wants me to , but i still want to let her know that she's a very precious person to me.she's the person that i'm really scared to lose.i want her to know that..but she never let me..

"No reason , just..don't" lisa said and give a small smile.i decide not to ask more so i just nod and sigh in defeat

'What should i do lisayah...if one day you're going to confess your feelings to me..what should i do?...'

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