Chapter 23

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Lisa POV

"I don't want to stay here ..." jennie sigh and put her arm above her head covering her beautiful cat eyes

"You just need to stay here until 3 pm and we can go back home after that.we need to make sure that you're really in a good condition before you leave baby" i said and put her arm down on the bed.she sit up and pout

"I'm already fine" i shake my head when she puff her cheek getting sulky.i climb up on the bed and pull her into a hug making her head resting on my chest.we both sigh in content

"Lisa.." she mumble and i hum in response

"Can i know what makes you forgive me.." i know she will ask me about it.i put my hand around her shoulder and tilt my head to the side facing her.i'm not sure how i want to say to her since hanbin is her bestfriend.or should i just lie?

"Urmm you want to know now?like right now?" I ask and she nod

"I want to know.."

I take a deep breath "Actually ,umm how do i say this? Everything that happened between me and you are because of hanbin's and irene's plan..they cooperate together to break us apart.the night you met hanbin on my birthday , hanbin wasn't drunk..he's acting like he's drunk because he want to stop you from coming to my birthday party since he knew that i will confess my feelings to you that night"

Jennie furrowed her eyebrow and look at me in confuse

"What?what do you mean?but for what?"

I bit my lips "um because ..he l-likes me..after he knew that you has feelings for me then he decided to make a plan with irene to break us apart" jennie frown even more

"What?!wait what the hell?" She look at me in shock

"Yeah i know right.."

"how about irene then?" She ask

"U-uh..after you left i'm kind of sad that night since i was preparing something for you to confess my feelings , jisoo and chaeyoung were comforting me and suddenly irene came to us and said that you already know about my feelings and tried to played with me.she even show me a voice record of you and hanbin saying that you love me as a friend" i said and her jaw dropped.she look at me without blink

"How dare she..." jennie look down on the bedsheet while bitting her lips.her face suddenly change into a terrified look and i don't know why.i frown and hold her hand but get startle when she suddenly hug me

"Lisa listen i admit that i lied to you and pretend like i didn't know anything..but trust me i never want to play with your feelings , i hide it from you because i'm still didn't feels anything for you before  and scared that you might leave me if i told you about i decide to keep it secret...but days after days , i really fall for you and i tried to tell you about my feelings before but i can't find a right time..please trust me..i'm sorry lisa.." she said in a crack voice and hold me tight as if she's scared that i would leave her.i quickly cup her face

"Yahh can you stop crying?you keep crying when you're with me" i whine and kiss both of her teary eyes

"I can't help it , i'm scared you would leave me again"

"I won't nini" i smile widely and hug her tight.she hug me back but i knew she was still thinking about it.i grin and secretly tickle her waist , and finally i earn a laugh from her

"Baby stop!hahahha" she laugh and push my hands away.i smile satisfiedly when i got to make her smile again

"That's it , smile and laugh like that when you're with me nini" i squeeze her hand.she peck my lips and rest her head on my shoulder

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