Chapter 18

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Lisa POV

"Happy birthdayy lili~" I giggles when i get a back hug from jennie.she wrapped her leg around my waist while i'm holding her thigh.her leg become better but she still can't move too much.she can't lift heavy things , running , or walk too much.she's still in healing process so i never let her do anything that will make her injury become worse

"Thankyou nini" i smile sweetly.she giggles and put her chin on my shoulder

"What birthday girl wants to do today?"

"Hmm i don't know , maybe i need to prepare the things for the party tonight" I said earning huff from jennie

"We still have a lot of times.beside jisoo chaeyoung and me will help you to prepare the things for party tonight so i don't think it will take much time" she said and sway her legs

"So what do you want to do?" I ask.she smile widely and point her finger to the kitchen

"Bring me to the kitchen please~"she said in a baby voice.i blush and make my way to the kitchen while still holding her.when i walk into the kitchen , my eyes widen in suprise when i saw a lot of balloons hanging and a cake with my name written on it on the table.there's also a lot of my favourite foods served deliciously on the table

"Happy birthday lisa!!" I flinch when chaeyoung and jisoo suddenly appeared from under the table.i clutch my chest tightly

"Oh my god you scared the shit out of me" they laugh.i wandered my eyes around and smile widely.i quickly spread my arm wide and all of them run to me crash me into a group hug

"I love you guys so much"

"We love you too lisa" jisoo and chaeyoung said

"I love you too lis" i heard jennie said in a low voice.i look at her and smile as i pinch her nose

"I'll let that slide since it's my birthday today" i giggles but weirdly i saw jennie smile bitterly.when she saw i was frowning , she quickly smile and drag me to the chair pushing me down to sit

"Jennie cook all of this for you lisa" chaeyoung said making me choke on air.i look at jennie with a raise eyebrow and she purse her lips with an apologatic look

"I told you to no--"

"I know~ i'm sorry but i really want to do this for you.since i can't buy you a gift so i choose to cook your favourite food for you" jennie pout.

Actually i told her to not do anything for me because of her legs.but she's still stubborn

Since you are cute i'll forgive you

I chuckle and pull her hands to me , i hug her and caress her back softly

"Thankyou so much jen , i love it" i said and smile widely

"I'm glad you like it"

"Ehem!okay can we eat now?" Chaeyoung said with her hands on her hips

"Geez i'm the birthday girl here , so i'll decide when we will eat" i smirk with a laugh when i saw chaeyoung annoyingly rolling her eyes at me

Jennie's cook are always taste good.i love her cook so much.i can't choose which one to eat first since there's too many of food in front of me.

"Psst monkey" chaeyoung nudge my arm.i look at her while munching my food.jennie and jisoo was sitting in front of us so she lean closer to me and whisper

"Are you ready for tonight?i mean to tell jennie about your feelings?"

I nod "yeah don't worry , and i already prepare myself in case if i get rejected" i said playfully but my heart feels a little ache at the thought.but i promise to myself , if i really get rejected by jennie , there's nothing to do with our friendship.i don't want to lose her.we still going to be friends

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