Chapter 26

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I slowly open my eyes when the sun ray hit my face making me cover my eyes with my arm. my other hand was searching for jennie beside me , but there's no one beside me.i turn my head to the side and saw an empty space.i sit up and rub my eyes

"Nini.." i call her with a hoarse voice.i lazily get up from the bed with a messy hair and went downstair looking for jennie.when i was at the living room , i heard a noise coming from the kitchen so i immediately went to there.

And there she is , my beautiful girlfriend was cooking a breakfast for me.i smile widely,i walk to her and slowly wrapped my hands around her waist making she flinch a little

"Good morning nini"

"Good morning my love" she said making me blush.she turn around and suddenly she laugh while looking at me


"Your hair honey" she giggles ,she gently fix my hair and my bangs making me smile while staring at her as she was so focus on fixing my hair

"Thankyou hun" i said and she smile

"You can sit first , the food are almost done" i hum in response and walk to the table

Woking up everyday knowing that jennie is with me , make me feel happy.i feel my life is fully perfect as long as she is with me.Jennie is perfect , she has everything.she's good at cooking , she's kind , pretty , soft , she love kids , and i'm sure she would be the best mother ever for our kids

"Lisa" I get startled when jennie call my name while snapping her finger on my face

"You okay?what are you thinking about?" She ask while taking off her apron


"Hm me?about what?"

"About how perfect you would be if you become a mother one day" i said not even trying to lie about it.jennie started to blush and purse her lips shyly.i giggles

"It's still early for your cheesy words , atleast let me eat first" she said jokingly.i laugh and take my food from her , as always , jennie's cook is the best.i won't get bored if i need to eat a same food everyday as long as jennie is the one who cook it

"Lisa.." i look up when jennie call me


"Um..i have something to tell you" she said while playing with her food

"Why hun?" I stop from eating and put down my spoon and fork

"Actually...i'm calling with hanbin this morning..when you're still sleeping" she said making me frown

"What?for what?" I ask with a furrowed eyebrow

"he called me first and i declined his calls , but he keep calling i just answered it" she said bitting her lips while glancing at me and look back down on her food

"What are you guys talking about?"

"He just wants to say sorry for all the things he has done to us and he really regretted it.and uh.." she stop for a while and i just look at her waiting for her to continue

"he said he want to meet me later if..if you let me.." she said and i look at her with a sigh

"I'm okay with the part you are calling with him , but meet him?no way jennie"

"Lisa please?he just feel guilty and want to fix everything.and beside we  just went out to eat , nothing more" jennie said

"No" i said firmly


"No jennie you need to listen to me.we still didn't know if he really meant it when he said he's regretted about everything and feel sorry about it.what if he planned something again?i don't want the same thing happened again"

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