Chapter 8

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Jennie POV


Hanbin : jen!do you want to have a dinner with me?you can bring the girls too

I recieve a message from hanbin and immediately reply

Me : i will go if you're the one who's going to pay :P

Hanbin : yeah yeah finee my treat 🙄

Hanbin : be prepared at 8.30 , i'll pick you guys up

Me : nae~ thankyou ~

I reply and after that i went to a call list searching for the girls number.after i call all of them , i went to the bathroom to take a shower and prepare myself


"You guys look stunning" hanbin said while smiling widely making all of us blush and said thankyou.

"Especially you , gorgeous" i heard hanbin whisper to lisa as he pull a chair for her.i frown getting suspicious at his action but just shrug it off.i sit beside lisa and lisa suddenly take my handbag and place it on her lap to make me sit comfortably making me smile at her soon as we all seat , a waiter come to our table and give us the menu as chaeyoung immediately take it getting impatient to eat.she seriously look at the menu and eyeing it up and down making me chuckle "calm down rosie , the food won't run away" i joke making her flustered.after a minutes , we give the waiter our orders and bow to him before he leave

"'By the way hanbin , why are you inviting us for a dinner all of sudden?something good came up?" Jisoo ask.he chuckle and shook her head

"No , i just feel like want to have a dinner with my friends instead of eating alone by myself in my house" he said "you live alone ?"lisa tilt her head

" parents are in i'm living alone by myself and everyday was so boring"he sigh

I giggles "yeah i feel you..but thankfully that i have these dumbass that loves to keep come over at my place and make a it's not that boring since i have someone to talk to when i'm at home" i said with a laugh

"Aish i envy you..i still need time to make a new friends..i mean , i already have one but i don't trust them enough to let them come over at my place" he said and we all got interrupted when the waiter come to our table to serve us our food.when he was hand me my food , i saw he wink at me making me roll my eyes in my mind.i smile politely and turn my gaze away from him to my food but i notice there's a small paper under my plate , i take it and it was his number.before i got to throw it out , lisa quickly snatch it from me and crumple it as she put it inside her pocket with no expression on her face.i giggles when she glare at me as if she was telling me to be careful with that guy.i nod understandingly

"'re can't trust someone that fast when you're just got to know them" lisa said while munching her food acting like nothing happened.i shake my head and start to eat my food too

"Yeah.." he sigh.we continue to eat in silence but not until hanbin continue his words

"But do you want to come over at my place then lisa?" Hanbin said making me choke on my food.i cough and chaeyoung quickly hand me a water as i immediately drink it.i wipe my mouth with a tissue and look at hanbin with a raise eyebrow

"I..i mean all of all of you want to come over at my place?it would be nice to have you guys there" hanbin awkwardly smile when he saw me looking at him suspiciously

"That sounds great , maybe we can come over when we have a free time " jisoo said and hanbin smile as he nod

"Okay i'll wait for you guys" he wink

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