Chapter 28

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"Wait no!you cheat!" Lisa groan and nudge wendy's shoulder.they are playing games in class since the teacher has a meeting and would come late to the class

"Accept the fact that you are a loser" wendy smirk.lisa roll her eyes and put her phone on the table with a loud thud

"Aww lisa is mad because she lost the game" wendy said teasingly

"I seriously would punch you on your face if you won't stop..geez you are more annoying than jisoo"

"Hey lis..look at your girlfriend..she's flirting there" wendy whisper making lisa's eyes widen and quickly turn her head to the back.she raise her eyebrow when she saw jennie happily laughing with jaehyun.she immediately get up and went to them

"Hey looks like you guys talk about something interesting?what did you guys talked about?" Lisa force a wide smile and sit at the chair beside jennie

"Nothing , just about some funny stories" he said

"Yeah very funny" lisa mock and glare at jennie making jennie look at her with a raise eyebrow


"By the way lisa , can i ask you a favor?" Jaehyun ask with a puppy eyes

"What is it?"

"can you stay at school after the school end?i need your help" jaehyun said

"About what?what do you want me to help about?"

"Uh...d-dance?yeah dance ,because you're a good dancer. i want to enter the dance class but i want to learn the basic things first from you " jaehyun said smiling nervously

"Ahh sure..we can meet at the dance room after school end" lisa said and turn her head to jennie

"I'll be back late today okay?"

"Yes i heard your conversation lisa" jennie giggles

"Lisa!come here lets fight again!" Wendy shout making lisa turn around.when lisa's attention are not on jennie and jaehyun anymore , they secretly look at each other with a michievous look.jaehyun wink at jennie making she laugh silently

"Wait!babe i want to play games with wendy for a minute" lisa said and kiss jennie's cheek before she run to wendy


Lisa POV

"Hey did you lied to me?you are good in dancing!" I look at him suspiciously.he really good in dance , i don't think i need to teach him anything because he already has the basic skills , and his move was perfect

"Oh really?t-thankyou" he laugh sheepishly

"Well i think we can go-"

"Ah no not yet!i..i mean uh , 30 minutes more?i want you to see my last dance and please tell me if its good" he said , he seems weird but i just shrug it off , i nod


He started to dance and every of his move was perfect.its looks like he has been dancing for a years.because of i'm bored just by watching , i immediately stand up and join him dancing as we both look at ourselves in the mirror.he smirk at me

"Let's have a dance battle ms manoban" he challenge me , i grin and click my tounge

"You choose a wrong person to fight with sir" i said and we both laugh.

We really have a dance battle but just for fun , we not taking it seriously.he's a really good dancer , i think i can make him as my partner for the next dance class.after getting tired , we both sit on the floor while catching our breath.i drink my water and suddenly i heard a phone ringing

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