Chapter 22

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After the call with jisoo , i quickly drove to the heart was beating so fast and i keep praying that jennie is tears already streaming down as i hold the steering tightly.i just hope that jennie didn't got into a car accident or something , even i told her last night to sleep at my place , of course she would go home instead after the fight.i bit my lips as i know this is all my fault

And i would never forgive myself if something bad happened to jennie..

Once i arrived , i lock my car and run inside the hospital building.i get bumped into a few people and they even curse at me but i don't care as i busied wandering my eyes searching for jisoo and chaeyoung.i keep walking until i saw chaeyoung sitting on the chair.i quickly went to her

"C-chaeyoung..where is j-jennie?is she o-okay?what h-happened?" I ask while panting.chaeyoung get up and caress my back softly

"Lisa calm down , jennie is fine..she's just stressed and because of she haven't eat for a days , her body becomes weak , that's why she passed out" i sigh in relieve when i heard that she's fine.i sit on the chair and hold my chest

"Thank god..."

"Babe , oh lisa you already here " jisoo came to us

"So what the doctor said?" Chaeyoung ask her

"He said jennie just need a rest , she'll stay here for two days and after that we can take her home"

"Can we see her?" I ask

"Sure , but me and chaeyoung will go out for a while.we need to buy some foods for jennie when she wake up later "

"And lisa..for now just , don't do anything that can stressed her out okay?" Chaeyoung said worriedly.i smile a bit

"Don't worry chaeyoung , i have something to tell you guys but i'll tell you later" they nod.

after they leave , i make my way to jennie's room and take a deep breath.i open the door and i almost cried seeing jennie laying on the hospital bed.she's naturally beautiful and gorgeous as ever , even with that ugly hospital clothes , she's still look beautiful on it.i slowly walk to her and unconciously smile when she looks so peaceful in her sleep.her mouth open a little and the ray from the sun that hit her skin make her look more stunning as ever

"Even when you're sleeping , you got to make me fall harder for you nini" i chuckle.i slowly intertwine my hand with hers and rub it with my thumb in circular motion.i don't know why but i feel so guilty that my tears fell without i'm knowing.i feel so bad for doing this to her , i know she was stressed and didn't eat for days because of me and i don't know what should i do to make her forgive me.especially after the last fight that we had last night.

"I'm sorry jennie" i said in whisper as my tears continue flowing down.i close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm myself  but suddenly , i feel a soft hand softly wiping my tears away.i open my eyes and saw jennie's small palm on my cheek , i look at her and my eyes widen when she was staring at me with a weak smile.i quickly get up and hold her cheek caressing it softly

"Jennie?you awake?are you okay?did you need something?or did you feel dizzy or pain anywhere?oh i can take a water for you wait a minute" i said getting panicked and was about to take a water but jennie tug my shirt holding me back from walk away

"Stay.." she said in a hoarse voice.i purse my lips as i feel like want to cry again and look down

"Lisa.." she call me in a very low voice.i know she's still doesn't have an energy since she didn't eat yet.i went my head lower to her and waiting for her to continue

"I..i'm sorry.." she said in whisper and suddenly her eyes get teary.a few tears roll down on her cheek making me panic.i quickly shook my head and wipe her tears away

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