Chapter 10

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Lisa POV

"Where is she.." i mumble as i keep ringing the doorbell waiting for jennie to open the door.after a few minutes , i sigh when there's still no sight of jennie , i take out my phone and call her

"Jen?" I said when she answer the call

"yes lis ?"

"Where are you ?i'm in front of your house right now" i said but frown when i heard hanbin's voice calling her in the other line

Did she go out with hanbin?only both of them?

"Lis i'm sorry i'm with hanbin right now , we go out to have a lunch and he said he want to bring me somewhere" jennie said making me smile weakly

"O-oh really?..have fun then and be careful.." i replied while looking at the plactic bag that fill with food that i just bought from the store earlier

"Okay lis , i'll see you when i got back" jennie said and we end the call.i walk back to my car and sigh heavily as i put the food at the back seat.this was a first time for jennie to go out without telling me..usually she'll tell me if she wants to go out and with who she want to go out with..i mean i know she doesn't need to do that but it just feels weird when she seems like trying to hide it from me.i shake all my thought away from my head and start my engine as i drive heading to chaeyoung's place

After a minutes of driving , i arrive to chaeyoung's and immediately get out from my car while carrying the food.i was about to push the bell but suddenly chaeyoung open the door making me startle

"Oh hey?i have some food , do you want to ea--"

"Welcome lis!you can put it on the table" chaeyoung smile widely and open the door as big as she could while stepping aside giving a way for me to enter.i chuckle slightly and went to the couch putting the food on the table.

"I'm glad that you come at the right time , i was about to go out to steal some food from jisoo's house" she said as she open the instant noodles that i bought and pour a hot water in it.after that she push one noodles giving it to me.Well chaeyoung only being nice when we give her food

" you can just buy some at the store chipmunk instead of keep stealing her food , jisoo needs to eat to live too you know?" I said with a chuckle

Chaeyoung smile sheepishly and pout "i don't want to waste my money , sharing is caring right?" She said with giggles

"Yeah yeah whatever"

"Anyway lis , do you have something to tell me?" She said without looking at me .i slowly put down my cup noodles and sigh heavily.i'm not suprised since chaeyoung always can know if i have a problem or hide anything from her.she has a very good sense , that's why she knows all my secret.she's a good adviser , a good listener and a good secret keeper so i have nothing to be worried when i'm spilling some 'tea' to her

"It's about jennie huh?" She ask with a full mouth.i giggles and wipe her mouth with my thumb as i nod

"Yeah , she go out with hanbin today..alone.." i said with a small smile.chaeyoung put her food down and sit closer to me while turning all her body facing me

"She didn't ask you to go with them?that's weird..usually you'll be the first one for her to bring whenever she go"

"She didn't even tell me..i knew that she was going out with hanbin because i called her earlier..and that's when she told me that she's with hanbin" i groan and punch the couch not that hard earning a chuckle from chaeyoung

"Calm down lis , i told you to make a quick move but you don't listen"

I sigh "it's not that i don't want to , i'm just not the right time yet for me to tell her..she didn't even give any sign as if she has feelings for me even just a little" chaeyoung feed me her food and tap my head gently

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